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There were two common things between both of us, both of us had sisters, and both of us didnt have our parents. Weird much.
We would hang out every single day after our work. Also, Vernon had a lot of work piled up because of which it wasnt always possible for him to come and pick his little sister up. On times like these, Reynah would take her to her own place, where later on Vernon would come and then they would both go home together. Because of this, Vernon would also have dinner with them.
Melina absolutely adored Sofia. She would buy Sofia something or the other every weekend, in order to spoil her.
We were a happy little family.

Until one day..


I came back home comparatively earlier. I don't why but i really missed Reynah. Its been 2 years since we've stayed seeing each other but it still feels new at times.
I go straight to her place. I press the doorbell a couple of times.

5 minutes

7 minutes

10 minutes

Where are they!? Why aren't they opening the door!?
I call Reynah. No response.
I became scared. Memories of the accident that Reynah met two years back came flooding in my mind.

I call Melina. Thankfully she picked up. "Hey Mel, where are you?" I asked, almost on the verge of tears.
"Me and Sofia just left for the convenience store. Reynah is inside. She was really tired when she came. I think she dozed off or something. Wait till we get back, okay?" She hangs up.

*15 minutes later*

Sofia comes running into my arms. "Vern, dont worry, she's probably just sleeping."
Yeah. I hope so too, bub.


"There is a blade inside the washroom. I can cut open my wrist and finish myself? I can. But Vernon? Melina? Sofia? No. I have to live, but i feel equally disguted of myself." I have a series of suicidal thoughts as i sit in the bathtub under the shower. The water coming out of the shower stung my skin, just like how today's incident pierced my heart. It managed to remind me of my terrible past, something that i hid from my sister and now my boyfriend.

Melina was not my real sister. She was my step sister.

My father passed away when i was two years old. My grandmother forced my mother into marrying a rich man, who's daughter from an earlier marriage was Melina. However, Melina's mother died when she was born, and she needed a mother. I was very happy that i had a little sister. My step father also was a good person, until my mother passed away.

He would beat me up for no reason, curse at me if i would do anything that he hated. All this continued till Mel was 10 years old. He wouldn't have stopped but one day she came to me, in the presence of her father, and said, "dad, stop hurting my sister."

Even at the age of 10, my sister was headstrong. She saved me from the hell, thats what i thought for the next one whole year.

Until one day, i woke up only to realise that i was tied to the bed. Yes. I was assaulted by my step father, and it continued after my sister would go to sleep.

This went on for two years. I had become a toy. That man would sell me every night to someone.

20th November, 1995.
The date when my school value education teacher knocked some sense into me. She said one sentence and that changed my life, "STAND UP FOR YOURSELF."
That night i was lucky. That disgusting man had gone out to a party because of which i got time to pack my things and leave.
I dont know why but i didnt trust that man with his own daughter. I packed Mel's things and both of us left.
I knew that I'd rather die with Mel on the streets than go back to the living hell.
Oddly enough, a couple noticed us, two kids crouching at the end of street. They were the ones who took us in, Leo and Scarlett Clark, the one's who we considered as our actual parents.
They raised us up, fed us well and turned us into the people we are today. However, we lost them in a car accident two years back.
So now we lived on our own.

Till date, Mel thinks that we left that hell because her father was a heavy drinker.


"Reynah? Reynah what are you doing? Are you sleeping? Please show me your face so that i know you're alright." Vernon screamed at the door.

I quickly switch off the tap of the shower, put on a bathrobe, wrapped my hair with a towel, grabbed a face mask from nowhere and put it on my face so that they cant see my swollen eyes and damp cheeks.

I open the door, "Yeah? I was doing some self care and fell asleep in the process. Sorry for scaring you, my love." I say and hug him.
He breathes a sigh of relief. He rolls down my face mask to reveal my forehead. He kisses it gently and mouths an 'I Love You' before turning around and leaving.

I feel tears escape my eyes.

I cant hurt myself.
I cant leave him alone.
I finally loved someone. I finally trusted a man for the first time.

Which is why i decided to talk to him and tell him about my past.


After dinner, I suddenly feel someone tug at my shirt. I turn around, Reynah? I expected it to be Sofia. (Lol)

"Vern, i need to talk to you about something. Please stay over for the night." What is it, i wonder.
"Yoooo, no hanky panky stuffs please. There's a kid in this room." Sofia said while pointing at herself. Her bold statement astonished me.
'Wow this girl is really growing into something else.' I thought.

"Wait, so you actually have a dark past that you DIDNT TELL ME FOR TWO WHOLE YEARS!?" I lowkey screamed at her, and immediately regretted. I see tears building up in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She says, while staring at the window.
"No no dont be sorry. I should be sorry. I shouldn't have shouted  at you" i tell her.
"Mel has no idea about this. She thinks we left the house because her father used to ruckus after coming back home, drunk." She tells me.
"Its alright. You had your reasons."
"Vern, will you still love me? After i have told you all about my past and how random, disgusting men have touched me for pleasure?" I felt like someone tore my heart into pieces. I felt my eyes getting moist.
"You know what," i look at her, "lets go outside for a bit". I say and drag her out.

We went to a park which was just a few blocks away. I made sure to not let go of her hand, or do anything that would make her feel that i am leaving her.

I need her as my everything.

We sat in the park for sometime, while watching the moon. We sat on the ground. I rested my back against a tree and she kept her head on my chest and i hugged her tight. Oh how i love the smell of her hair, and her giggles when i kiss her head.

I cant afford to not have this for the rest of my life.

I can clearly see my future ahead of me, waiting for me to chase it.

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