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The rest of day passed by trying to convince everyone that, yes, i finally woke up.
Melina was a crying mess ever since she saw me, and so was Troye. Miller kept on hugging me after every 5 minutes. Such a cutie he is, i swear to God. He might be 6 ft 3 in, but on the inside he is a 5 year old baby.
I noticed that throughout the whole time Hunter was trying his best to calm down Melina. He looked worried himself.

They definitely looked weird. I guess its because of me. They didn't sleep, didnt eat properly, didnt do anything properly.
"Guys?" I say, suddenly.
"Yes?" They all turn towards me with a worrisome look.
"Can you all..just...GO AND EAT FOR GOD'S SAKE!!" I screamed at their face out of nowhere. (I am weird, right?)
"Rey! You scared the heck out of us." Miller said, with a sigh.
"Yeah, i guess we should eat." Vernon says.

I missed his voice.
I missed his eyes.
I missed his face.
I missed him.

They all left to eat.
What should i do?


I grab Miller's hands and tell him, "Listen, i am somehow convinced that one of us should stay with Reynah. I dont know but i have a weird feeling about leaving her alone." 
"Okay bud, go on. Take care of her. We'll bring something for you to eat." He pats my back and encourages me to leave.

I reach her room, and could hear someone singing.
"Thats Reynah's voice." I thought.
I slowly open the door and find her singing Shape Of My Heart by Backstreet Boys.
What an angel she is.
She had switched off all the lights so that she could peacefully enjoy the moonlight that was coming into her room.
She kept humming and didnt realise that i was in the room.

"Vern, i know you're here." She suddenly says.
I smile. I had the sudden urge to hold her. Immediately i get up and go to her, ask her to shift a little bit to the side. Once she does, i sit and adjust myself on the little bed.
I wanted to stay like this. Her head on my arm, my hands caressing her face, we stared at each other for as long as possible.

"Its been long that you're asleep. You should get up now, love, and come back to me." Reynah says.


What does she mean by saying that I've been asleep for long?

The room was suddenly filled with the sound of machines and people shouting. I could feel Reynah going away.
"No wait, Rey, WHERE ARE YOU GOING? Dont leave me, stay please." I almost whimpered and hid myself in her.
"Its okay, Vern. Meet me in a while. Okay?" She kisses my forehead.
"I love you the most." I feel something warm on my lips. She kissed me. This is..not right. Something feels weird.


Reynah meeting with an accident was a severe blow to Vernon.  He couldnt bear with it anymore. When the doctor told the group that she went into a coma, it affected Vernon more than anyone else in the room. He could feel his grip on reality, loosening.
"Vern, VERNON, NO WHAT'S WRONG? Miller screams beside him as he tries to hold his best friend. Little did he know that Vernon went into a deep sleep as well because of the trauma.


(3 months later, its been a day since Vernon woke up from his coma.)

"Sir, how do you feel?" The nurse asked Vernon. He soon came in touch with the fact that it was a dream. A long, yet peaceful dream. "I am fine." I really didn't feel like talking to anyone.
The door suddenly burst open to reveal a sobbing Reynah.
"V-Vernon, you're a-awake, o-oh my g-god, I can't b-believe this." She said between her sobs.
Reynah was fine. I wasn't. It was the complete reverse.
She was fine, thats all i wanted to see.

I extend my arms as i feel something damp rolling down the side of my eyes. She slides into my arms and showers my face with kisses.

She loves me. She really does. I felt at peace.

Mel managed to take Reynah out of the room for a walk around in the hospital. I call Hunter towards me, "Hunter, is Reynah alright? Is she completely healthy?" I ask him.
"She is perfectly healthy, V. You're the one who's ill." He tells me with a sad smile.
"No like, she has...no-nothing like cancer right?" I blurt out.
He looks at me with disbelief, "why on earth would you say that??" I tell him everything about my dream. He nods throughout my narration.
"Oh. Thats why you asked me that question." Hunter speaks up. "She is completely fine dont worry. We took care of her for you while you were gone. Now its your turn. Okay?" I feel a blush creeping in on my cheeks.

"Of course. I promise to keep my queen happy, forever." I say.

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