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Its been three weeks since he woke up. I have tried staying by his side all throughout, however, i also have to take care of Sofia and take her to school. She feels like family now.

Vernon's condition was improving. The doctor told me that he needs me by his side, since it was my accident that sent him into the deep slumber.

In the past weeks, he has thanked me so many times that i have lost count completely. During the evenings, we would go for a walk and drink some juice together. I dont think if there is anyone better for me than him, but i dont even know if he loves me. The past three months were enough for me to realise. I should atleast confess, shouldn't i? But i am too scared that he might reject me or ask me to wait. I can wait for him, but what if he falls in love with someone else. I always have the same kind of thoughts when i am around him.
But taking care of him, is more important.


"Rey?" I called out to her.
No response.
"Rey? REYNAH?" I was scared because she wasnt answering.
"YES WHAT HAPPENED VERNON ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" She screamed back, equally worried.
"No no. I am fine. I just thought you were gone when you didn't answer me for the first time." I said.
"Where would I go? I probably spaced out for a bit, nothing else." She says, while fidgeting with her fingers.
"You're cute." I say, from nowhere.
"That was irrelevant." She says.
"I know." I say and then i go :D

I went back to my bed and saw my cellphone was flooded with messages and calls, but the one message that caught my eye was:


No i can't let her confess to me.


because i want to do that

"Ugh, i dont know why, but i feel terribly tired. I think i should sleep." I say and i suddenly hide myself under the blankets.
"Uh, o-okay, i guess?" She says, with a hint of sadness.
She carefully tucks me, and pats my forehead so that i can fall asleep soon.
I pretend to fall asleep soon so that she can rest as well.

*20 mins later*

I text Ian, "come inside and don't forget to bring *it* along with you."
"Roger that." Ian texts back.
He immediately enters the room with a packet from Tiffany and Co. I guess he was standing just outside.
He hands the packet to me, hugs me, rubs my back, gives me a  thumbs up and leaves.
Also, he closed the door so LOUDLY that it was enough to wake up Reynah.


I hear a loud thud and i jolt up. "VERNON ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" I scream out of worry. "Yes yes i am alright." He chuckles.
"Thank goodness, i thought you fell down or something." She sighs.
"Reynah, listen. I have something to tell you." Vernon speaks up. "Hmm yeah? What is it?" She turns around and sits up.
"Close your eyes for a bit. Hmm?"
She obeys. Cute.

"Reynah Clark.
I met you around 9-10 months back. I saw you for the first time in that cafe, the most beautiful lady i have seen. You are the prettiest, both inside and outside. I have wanted to make you mine right from the start, but of course i was skeptical. That day i was going to make you mine, but you met with an accident and everything has been a mess ever since. Now to the most important question :

        Will you honor me by becoming mine, forever?

I was taken aback. He finished giving his mini speech and he was waiting for my answer. I was shaking, i was overwhelmed. I didn't see anything like this coming. I thought he probably stopped liking me, but here we are.

"yes." I mumbled.
"YES YES YES YES." I screamed out of excitement.
He slipped out a small box, opened it, took out something from it and said, "may i have your hand?". I did as i was told, when i felt something cold.
"Vernon, what are-" I saw a beautiful ring on my finger. "Vernon why this? I didnt need-" i felt something warm on my lips. He kissed me, for the first time. We had our first kiss.

(Author: i promise this is a real kiss, the earlier one was a dream, remember?)

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