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The next few weeks pass normally. He would come to pick up sofia from school and somehow i would be busy.
Often his friends came to pick up Sofia.
I recognised a few of them now. Ian, Miller, Hunter and Stephen. They were closest to Vernon and like real brothers to Sofia.
Soonafter, they started behaving differently.


Vernon's closest friends would come and pick up Sofia and also drop subtle hints to Reynah.
Reynah found it weird and endearing at the same time.
She liked their company but never really got time to hang out with them.


My headache has been getting worse. I have to visit the doctor again.
I schedule an alarm so that i don't forget that i have to get an appointment for the CT scan.

I finally got off work in time after two weeks. WOW.
I need to sleep.

"I'm home, Mel." I shout as i enter our apartment.
"Yo listen, someone came and gave me this to give it to you." Mel tells me as she hands over the packet.
I open it up. It was a card. I know this handwriting. Its..its .SOFIA!

               ~Miss, its my birthday on 18th of june. I would
                    love if you come over for my party followed by
                        the dinner. Also all my brothers will be there~

I smile as i read her note. "She's cute." Mel suddenly says from behind. "I know." I say as i remember her face and her innocent smile.
"Tomorrow is a sunday. I have to buy Sofia a gift and also buy something pretty for myself that i can wear to the party. Please PLEASE accompany me, my dear sister." I beg.
"Okay. Fine. You'll buy me coffee." She says.


"I am so excited!! I cant wait to get there!!" I lowkey scream at Mel's face.
"YEAH YEAH I KNOW." She screams back.

I was wearing a light blue midi dress with an off shoulder and ruffled neckline, elastic waist and ruffled midi skirt. I matched it with a little sling white in color. I wore rose gold lace heels alongwith my outfit. I also applied the lightest makeup. I had to.

Mel drove me to Sofia's house. "All the best big sis! Slay." She wishes me luck and drives off.
I walk to the entrance and press the bell.
Sofia opens the door and gapes at me for a few seconds.

"Sofia? Are you alright? What/who are you staring at? Vernon asks and walks up to the door himself.
"R-reynah?" He stares at me as well for another 10 seconds probably.
"You look real pretty, Reynah." Miller says.
They welcome me in and then i hand over the gift to Sofia. It was her favourite book in the library that she never got to read. I bought a copy for her so that she can peacefully read it and enjoy.
"Thank you so much, Miss. You're definitely the best." Sofia says and hugs me, or more like, hugs my legs.
I bent down and hug her properly. "Lets go cut the cake, shall we?".

All. The. Guys. Can. Sing. So. Well.

The day passed by and i have to say that i had an amazing time with all of them.


I woke up and on my way to the school, i book an appointment with the radiologist for a CT scan.
I dont know but my headaches are getting worse by each and every passing day.
Also its turning into a stinging pain. It would be wrong to say that i am not scared.

*The day of the appointment*

I get ready for the ct scan and since i was really scared Mel said that she would come with me as well. We reached the hospital in 20 mins. I was complete wreck on the inside because i used to be a biology student back in the days so i knew what stinging pain would usually mean. I asked the radiologist what was going on in my head, but he said that it was a severe migraine, nothing else. Oh thank heavens! I thought i am dying.

After the scan, the doctor tells me that i would get my reports the next day.
Mel decided to stop by a cafe because i couldnt really eat since the morning. She ordered pancakes for me and waffles for herself.
"Who's calling me?" Mel suddenly speaks up.
"Troye?" He's calling after many many days.

Troye is our first cousin. He works in the management department of Vogue California. When our parents passed away, his parents were the one who took care of us and helped us settle down by ourselves. True angels.

Mel finished talking to him, came back and said, "Hey Rey, Troye wants to meet us because apparently misses us. He's asking us to come over to his office and then from there he'll take us to a restaurant. What say?"
Hm. Not a bad idea.
"Sure, why not. Before that, lets finish the food that is infront of us." I say.
She jumps up in excitement.

After finishing our food we go to Troye's office, and since i was looking down while walking, i accidentally hit something firm and fell down.
"Ouch, i am so sorry." I say and i look up, while rubbing my head with my hand. "MILLER!?, what are YOU doing here?!" The person i crashed into was Miller. Funny, right?
"Reynah, i work here. What about you? You definitely dont work here." He asked.
"Yeah i dont. I am here to meet my cousin, Troye." I say.
"Troye Sim is your cousin!?!?" He whisper screamed.
"Yeah, why do you ask?" I say.
"He's my..." Suddenly he got cut off by someone. "Good afternoon sir."
Troye was wishing Miller. He called Miller, SIR?
"He's my department manager." Miller says into my ears.
"Troye i didnt know, but your cousin sister happens to be my friend." Miller exclaims.
"Rey, you know him?"
"I know him as a student's acquaintance." I assure my brother.

My headache had started again and this time it was worsening. I excused myself and went to the washroom. I found an empty bathroom stall and sat on the toilet seat, writhing in pain.
I wanted to scream and shout in pain. It hurted to that extent.
I somehow managed to find my way back to where Miller, Mel and Troye were sitting.
Miller suddenly runs up to me and says, "Just so you know Vernon workes here as well and he's coming over to meet you. He might ask you out tonight and while we will babysit his sister he will ask you to be his girlfriend!!!" He exclaims.
Vernon likes me? He will ask me out? Oh my god. I like him too right? Of course i do. I keep on thinking about him. I didnt even realise but i had started smiling.
"I guess you'll say a yes." Miller suddenly sings.
I join in, "whats there to say no?"

Vernon did ask me out, infront of my brother and sister. I said yes, barely paying attention to what they had to say.
I was on cloud nine. My crush asked me out on dinner tonight. HOW CAN'T I BE HAPPY?

He sends me the address of the restaurant. I waste no time, and immediately leave for home. I need to get ready.


"Rey, drive safely, okay? Or no, I'll drop you." Mel says.
I assure her, "dont worry i will text you once i reach the restaurant."

Little did i know what fate had for me that night.

The restaurant wasn't far, it was a 30 min drive from home. I was driving normally however, this truck suddenly came behind me and kept on honking at me. I did give the truck space to go, but he kept on honking at me. Thankfully it did leave but all that honking had caused my headache to resurface.
My vision started getting blurred from nowhere and instead of pressing brake, i pressed on the accelerator. The car was moving at a very high speed, but the worse was yet to come.
I started having blackouts and then i had one last blackout, after which i felt a huge jolt on my body.
The next thing i know is that my car hits a tree, and my body flies staright through the windshield.

I knew i was dead.

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