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Sirens wailing, people shouting; it was too much for my head to take. My head started to ache, my body was already in pain.
I opened my eyes, only to see the sky.
Where am i?
What's going on?
Suddenly i hear someone speak up, "Hello, am i speaking to Melina Clark?"
"Yeah, how are you related to Reynah Clark?"
"I am really sorry to say but she met with a severe accident on the 3rd Avenue. We're taking her to the ER of Hope Medical Centre. Please come as soon as possible. Thank you."

Right. I met with an accident, and i thought i died.
I haven't.


"She should be here by now. Whats taking her so long? I should've picked her up. Did something happen?"
I decided to call her.
"Why isn't my call going!?"

I suddenly get a call from Miller. "Hello, Milly she isn't here yet. What do you think happened? I am really scared." I say.
No response.
"Whats wrong, Miller?"
"V, Reynah met with a severe accident and she's in Hope Medical Centre. Troye called me up and informed me. Im leaving for the hospital. Come as soon as possible." Saying this he hangs up.






I haven't even told her how much i love her.
She cannot leave me like this.
I suddenly had to urge to destroy everything around me.


Vernon, Melina, Miller, Hunter, Ian, Stephen, Troye; all of them were waiting outside the operation theatre, barely managing to hold back their emotions.
The red light goes off. The operation is finally over after 7 hours.

"Doctor, how is she?" Melina asks.
"I am afraid that she has passed into a comatose state." Vernon falls to the ground. He felt like his world has shattered into pieces.
"There's another thing i must tell you." The doctor speaks up.
"Has she been having headaches lately?" He asks Melina.
"Yes" she says, wiping off the tears on her face, "they started as the throbbing aches but slowly progressed to the stinging pain."
After 5 minutes of looking at the ground, he suddenly says, "She has a tumor in her brain which is currently in its fourth stage. Its too late to remove it."

Vernon passed out. Troye started sobbing uncontrollably. Melina was ready to kill herself.

For Melina, her sister meant her world. When she was assaulted during her 1st year in college, no one believed her. Only one person did, her beloved sister. Reynah invested her complete trust over her sister and helped her become into the warrior she is now.

"Even if she wakes up, she will survive for 2 months, or maybe 3. Not more than that. I am really sorry."

The group infront felt that their world came to a standstill for them. They wanted to reverse the time and go back to the time when Reynah was absolutely fine.

Time passes by like wind.

One month passes by without even realising.

Every day and night, Reynah would have her friends, sister, brother and her love right beside her..

But she never opened her eyes.


Vernon had just come back from home after taking a shower,  feeding Sofia and putting her to sleep. Little does he know that Reynah had woken up from her one month deep sleep.
She was in the same position, too tired to move even her finger.

Suddenly Vernon speaks up, "Rey, its been a month now. Please wake up. There's something i need to tell you. I need to tell you how badly i love you and how i need you by my side. Wake up please, wake up." He started sobbing uncontrollably, for the umpteenth time.
Reynah feels something cold being slipped into her fingers.
"I want you to wake up soon. I have to ask you an important question."

"V, have you eaten?" Miller comes in and asks him.
"Come. At this rate you'll starve yourself."
Miller drags him out of the room.

Reynah moves her thumb from over the cold thing that was on her finger.
Its a...its a...r-ring?
She suddenly opens her eyes just to look at the ring. The next thing she knows is that there are tears escaping out of her eyes.

The door opens.
Its Vernon.
He looks at Reynah, who was looking back at him.

His eyes go wide.
His eyes go wide at the sight of his love staring back at him.

"Hmm." Her voice was like music to his ears. He was listening to it after a whole month.
Reynah lifts up her arms with the hope of Vernon sliding right into it.
And he did.
He hugged her so tightly. So tightly, that he would never let her go.
He breaks off from the hug and stares into Reynah's eyes. He puts that one hair strand behind her ear, wipes her tears and kisses her forehead.
"I love you." He suddenly says with his face buried in the crook of her neck.
She was slowly caressing the back of his head.
"I love you too, Vern." She hums back.
Vernon breaks off the hug, cups her face and presses his lips against hers.

Reynah's first kiss.
Her first kiss with the man she had fallen in love with, with a man she couldn't imagine a life without.

They cried while they kissed. Vernon had waited so long for this to happen, and so did Reynah. This was their happiest moment.

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