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"He didn't say anything last night. I have never felt so insecure. Will he leave me? Will he choose someone else?" I feel terrible for thinking this way but i have no choice.
He texted me and this is what he sent me:
        "Hey thank you for helping us, especially Sofia. My work pressure had gone back to normal so i will come and start taking her hobe from today."

I felt a lump form in my throat. What is going on?

Strangely, Sofia ignored me at school.

My negative thoughts had started eating me up from inside, again. It wasn't even painful but i was scared, scared of losing the only person who genuinely loved me, held me in his arms, asked me to stay.

One week passed. I was sure now that he was trying to come up with a plan to finish off our relationship.


I go downstairs to open the door. "Hi Mel, welcome home." I say, mindlessly and walk off.
"Yo yo sis, hol uppp." Wait that doesnt sound like Mel.
I freeze at my spot. Suddenly Miller jumps into my view. "So it took a week for me to convince V, but may i have the honor of taking you out to dinner tonight?" He says.
"Why?" I say coldly.
"Wait, wear this please." Saying this he hands me a huge box.
I go upstairs and the first i do is take a bath.

After i was done, i opened the box to reveal a beautiful latern sleeve tight waist dress. Good choice, Miller.
I put on the dress, which i followed by straightening my hair. I wore light beige makeup and dewdrop earrings.

Miller took me to the helipad restaurant in the Rotary Club. Boy definitely loved to show off.
After eating, we decided to go on a walk to the Lock Bridge.
I wasnt really talking that much. I watched Miller blabber whatever came to his mind. He loves to talk.

We reached the Lock Bridge and walked a couple of steps when suddenly Miller pokes my shoulder and goes like, "yo listen ill be back i need to pee, i am so sorry." He runs off after saying that. He's definitely cute.
I decided to keep walking inside. He can call me once he's done.
The bridge was pretty dark, which is kind of unusual.
As i reached the middle of the bridge, the lights started coming on slowly and gradually. Everything looked ethereal.
'I wish i could come here with Vernon.' I thought.

Suddenly i felt someone pulling the helm of my dress.
It was a little kid.
He handed me a flower, handed me an Angelica (meaning: inspiration), another kid followed him, and handed me an aster (symbol of love). Another kid came and handed me a pink camellia (longing for you), and another one came and gave me red camellia (you're a flame in my heart). Another child came and gave me a red chrysanthemum (i love you).
Finally, i saw Sofia walk up to me and handed me a red rose (I love you and only you).

Who is doing all this?

I hear someone clear their throat behind me. I turn around and see Vernon. He looked really REALLY handsome.
He was wearing a black suit, everything black, starting from his shirt to his shoes. His hair was slicked back and it was light brown in color. I never knew that he would look this good in a different hair color.
"Hey..." He speaks up.
"Hi". I was genuinely scared. I remember reading somewhere that boyfriend's tend to treat their girls really nicely before breaking up. I was lowkey panicking and losing my mind.

Vernon suddenly took a deep dreath. He looked like he was preparing himself for something.

"Reynah Clark. I think its time i should tell you everything. You need to know that you're the light of my life. You're the prettiest for me, the most beautiful. I don't care what your past was or how dark it was, i need to make sure you have a beautiful present and an amazing future. We might have arguments, small and big, but please don't give up on me. I dont really see a time when i might give up on you, or on US. I want us to be a happy family, you, me, Sofia and Melina. You might have tons of negative thoughts because last week i couldn't come over and meet you, i also asked you to stop sending Sofia home, but trust me i had nothing bad on my mind. I did all that so that this whole thing would be unexpected for you. I know you've gone through a lot in the past week and i promise to compensate all that in the years we will spend together. So, Ms. Clark would you like to turn into Mrs. Lee?"
And after completing his mini speech, he goes down on one knee and takes out a beautiful open ring.

"Will you marry me?" He asks.

The world comes to a standstill for me.

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