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All this while my stupid head made me believe that Vernon was leaving me, and now here he is, on one knee, with a ring infront of me, waiting for my answer.

I suddenly blurt out, "why are you even asking me!?". Tears had started forming in my eyes.
"Okay then. Marry me." He pulls me into his arms and slips the ring in my finger. I bury my face in the crook of his neck and start crying. "I love you." Just these three words are enough to calm me down, and he knows that.
He breaks off from the hug and takes out a lock. "Lets do this?" He asks me and shows me a lock. 'ETERNAL LOVE' was engraved on it.

*3 years later*


"Daaaaaaad, wake up."  I felt a small hand on my face. "I have school, wake up please." A whiny baby voice was waking me up. I turn around to see Olivia. "Hmm." I move around in bed.
"Vern, Oli has only 20 minutes to reach school and if you dont wake up, i swear i am going to make Sofia scream at you for no reason." I hear the love of my life threaten me.
Make Sofia scream at me? Ha! Wait, what? MAKE SOFIA SCREAM AT ME?
"I am up. Dont worry." I jolt up, give Oli her morning kiss and head straight towards the bathroom.

Yes. Olivia Lee is my daughter and her mother is my beautiful wife, Reynah, and i have a beautiful family now, that i love and cherish.

Hunter and Melina got engaged last year. Miller got married to Hunter's sister, Charlotte. They have a handsome son, Herman.
Ian and Stephan were settled as well with their respective girlfriends, Amelia and Joy.

Love. Thats where we start and thats where we end. We might have everything, but having someone to love, live with you is the best feeling. Find someone who trusts you, not blindly, but genuinely. Find someone who believes in you, find someone who is proud of you even in the smallest things you do. Thats all you need.

                              ------X----- THANK YOU ----X-----

Also, there is no real ending to a story, instead there is a place where you just stop the story.

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