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I frown at Lydia's huge house. Knowing her, she's gonna be pissed at my appearance. I'm wearing the dress she picked out and booties, but I don't have makeup and my hair is just hair. I would've tried harder, I wanted to try harder for Lydia. But I got dressed at a gas station ten minutes away from her house. After I ran from the Argent's house, I kept running. I thought about going to Stiles, but what am I supposed to say? Guess what, I'm Allison's sister and our mother hates me! Not exactly an upbeat conversation. Especially since I have no clue what we are. I readjust the duffle on my shoulder, glancing at the small box in my hand. Here goes nothing. I walk up the driveway and knock on the door, thankful that Allison's car isn't parked outside yet.
     "You look like a mess. And you totally disappeared earlier." Lydia complains when she opens the door.
     "But I'm not wearing sneakers." I point out, trying to wince at how weak my voice sounds. She frowns and glances down at my shoes before nodding.
     "That's.....more than I expected." She replies with a huff. I hand her the small box.
     "Happy birthday Lyds." I say sincerely. She grins widely.
     "Thank you. Don't forget to try the punch." She says before walking away. I walk over to the closet next to the bathroom and shove my duffle in it. I'll figure out what I'm doing later, but for now, time to drink away the pain. I walk out the back door, following the low music. I frown when I realize no one is here. Maybe I'm just early. I grab a cup of punch and sip it, nodding at the slow burn of alcohol. I start to drink it quicker when a voice makes me jump.
     "Where the hell have you been?" Allison asks, marching over to me. My eyes widen and I throw back the entire cup of punch, wincing slightly.
     "What do you mean?" I ask.
     "You ran off earlier. You were supposed to look at outfits with me and Lydia and instead you were god knows where. I haven't seen you for hours." She says with a scoff. I shrug.
     "You know me, always running off and being aloof." I say before picking up another cup of punch and walking to the opposite side of the pool. She frowns at me, obviously expecting me to stay and talk to her more. Especially since no one else is here. I look around awkwardly, avoiding eye contact with her when I notice Stiles and Scott walk out. Stiles grins at me and I nod, holding up my cup. He frowns, but I drink it anyway. I don't want to remember today. I walk over to them, hearing the end of their conversation.
     "So whoever's controlling the kanima really hates the swim team?" Scott asks and Stiles nods.
     "Hated the swim team. Specifically, the 2006 swim team." He says before turning his attention to me. "You okay?" He asks, glancing between me and the cup. I nod before finishing the cup.
     "Never better." I say, switching out my empty cup for a full one.
     "You think you should take it easy on the punch?" He asks, and I shake my head, walking away as Allison walks towards us. I don't want to talk to her. I can't talk to her.
I chug another cup of punch, ignoring Stiles' worried looks. I stumble past a couple making out, freezing when I see my brothers.
     "What are you guys doing here? I didn't know you were coming back yet." I ask quietly, rushing over to them. Dean winces, and that's when I notice the blood dripping out of his mouth. My eyes widen as I notice the blood covering his hand as he holds his stomach.
     "Why didn't you help?" He chokes out, the blood slurring his words together. I shake my head rapidly, the tears falling as I try to figure out a way to save my brother.
     "What-I-Dean-" I fall over my words as I step towards him, he stumbles and falls to the ground. I look at Sam, begging him to save Dean without saying anything.
     "You could have helped Tori. But you stayed here and helped some stupid werewolf instead. Dean's death is your fault." Sam blames me, his eyes full of tears. I choke back a sob, my heart aching.
     "I, I didn't." I stutter, looking between my brothers. I sob as Dean's eyes flutter shut. I drop to my knees, shaking him roughly.
     "It's too late." Sam says, shaking his head and walking away. I sob as I continue to shake my brother, desperately trying to wake him up.
     "Dean please, please Dean wake up. Dean I can't do this without you, please!" I cry, collapsing onto his body. I gasp as my head hits the cold concrete instead of Dean. I look around, trying to figure out where my brothers went. I let out a shaky breath. Was it fake? Did I just imagine all of it? My hands shake as I push myself up and walk towards Lydia's kitchen. Water. I need to drink some water. I turn on the faucet and stick my face under it, taking big gulps. I turn the water off and step away from the sink, my hands still shaking uncontrollably. I jump when I feel someone grab my shoulder. I whirl around, ready to yell at whoever it is, but stop when I see the tears in Allison's eyes.
     "We have to go, Tori. My dad's at the hospital. He said my mom-" She tries to explain, but her voice breaks. I nod and squeeze her hand gently.
     "Let's go." I say. I follow her to the front of the house, stopping at the closet and grabbing my duffle before I follow her to her car.
     "I'm trying to tell myself that everything is fine and it's just some training thing but I'm panicking Tori." Allison admits, her hands shaking as she pulls out of Lydia's driveway.
     "What exactly did he say?" I ask, frowning as she speeds.
    "He said that he found my mom with a knife in her stomach." Allison says slowly, her breathing shaky. My eyes widen as I think back to our conversation earlier. How desperate she seemed and how insistent she was that she had to talk to me. Oh my god.
     "Is she okay? Did he- did he say anything else?" I ask, wringing my hands together as I try not to panic.
     "He said there was no sign of struggle.He said-" She pauses, quickly swiping away a few tears. "He said that she didn't make it, Tori." My stomach drops and I feel like I might puke. I found out who my mom is and she's gone. She's gone and the last thing I did was yell at her. Allison throws the car into park and I jump out, following her inside. We're silent the entire elevator ride up, the only sound Allison's occasional sniffling. I glance at her, noticing her wiping at her eyes furiously. The elevator dings and Allison steps out. I follow behind her, my breath catching in my throat at the lump covered in a blue cloth behind Chris.
     "No. No. No, dad. No, dad! If this is some kind of sick training session you had - you better tell me! You better tell me!" Allison screams, rushing towards her father.
     "No. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Chris says, wrapping Allison in his arms. She sobs and hits him. I turn, not letting the tears fall. I can't cry. I don't deserve it. She wasn't my mother like she was Allison's. My eyes widen when I see Sam and Dean standing at the end of the hall. They both walk towards me, frowns on their faces.
     "Tori-" Dean starts, but I shake my head and back up.
     "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, my voice shaky as I look between the two.
     "We read the note Tori. Are you-" Sam starts, but I run. I run towards the doors for the stairs and I run out of the hospital as quickly as I can. I can't handle this right now. I keep running, my chest burning as my breaths come out in little puffs. The panic and hurt settle in every time I try to stop running, so I keep running. I run and I don't look behind me. I don't think. I reach and try to hold on to the little bit of hope that running gives me. The little relief I get as I focus on the ache in my legs instead of the ache in my chest. I run until I fall to my knees. And then I break.

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