Ice Ice Skater

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The second the car stops, I grab my duffle and storm into the Argent's house, done with Dean and his unwillingness to break the rules to help himself. He's going to die, working with a demon a little bit isn't that bad. Is it?

"Allison?" Mrs. Argent calls from the kitchen. I sigh and go back down the few stairs I had climbed.

"No, Mrs. Argent. It's just me." I say, walking into the kitchen to wave hello. Mrs. Argent's face morphs into one of horror. I raise an eyebrow and think, trying to figure out why she looks so upset.

"What happened to your face?" She asks, coming up to me and inspecting the bruise.

"Mother changeling was mad that we were trying to stop her from being an evil bitch." I say and she sighs.

"Go on up and put your stuff away. Allison is taking you out tonight." Mrs. Argent says. I frown, but nod and head upstairs to see what I can do about my appearance. I change out of my dirty jeans into a pair of clean ones that don't have rips all over them. I put on a clean shirt and then go to the mirror in the bathroom. I frown at my reflection, pushing my hair around trying to get it to lay so that the bruise is hidden. I finally get it and smile. This is good enough. I change out of my boots and slip into some converse. Maybe this will be a good night. I slip my phone into my pocket and clip a knife onto my pants. I walk out of the room and run straight into Allison.

"You're back!" Allison cheers, wrapping me in a hug. I smile and hug her back.

"Told you I would be." I say, and she frowns.

"You also said that you guys won't be around for much longer. Why would you guys have to leave? You can stay here and we can help you find a way to save Dean. You don't have to be alone, Tori." Allison says and I shake my head.

"That's not how we do things Allison. So where are we going?" I ask, and Allison grins.

"It's a surprise. You're changing though." Allison instructs.

"Did you and Lydia switch bodies?" I ask, and Allison laughs.

"No, but I know where we're going, so I want to make sure that you are fully prepared and that you look great." She chirps. And since I can't say no for the life of me, I nod.

"Okay. Make me pretty." I say, rolling my eyes. Allison smiles and tugs me towards her room. This is going to be a long night.


"It looks closed Allison." I say as she pulls up to the ice rink.

"It's not open to the public right now, but there's a surprise." Allison replies, smiling before turning the car off and hopping out. I sigh, but follow her out of the car and towards the door. I freeze when I notice the baby blue Jeep.

"Allison, is Stiles here?" I ask, crossing my arms as I glare at her. Allison shrugs, grabbing my wrist and gently tugging me towards the door.

"Just come in." She pleads, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout. I huff and yank my wrist away from her before storming into the building. I push my hair back as I walk in, trying not to get too frustrated. Scott and Stiles stand there, Stiles with a hopeful expression and Scott with a small frown.

"Why is your face bruised?" Scott asks, and Stiles' eyes widen. He takes a step towards me, but I step backwards, running into Allison.

"You didn't tell me you had a bruise. What happened?" Allison asks and I shake my head.

"It doesn't matter. Is this an intervention? Why are we here?" I ask, and Stiles clears his throat.

"I thought that with everything going on, it would be nice for us to just relax and have fun. Just for an hour or two." He says, a hopeful expression on his face. I let out a frustrated sigh, but nod anyway.

"Okay, but just tonight." I say, and Stiles' grin widens, taking over his entire face. Allison grabs my hand and tugs me away to pick out ice skates.

"Have you ever gone ice skating before?" She asks, excitement covering her face.

"Not that I can remember. We didn't have time for fun things." I reply, trying hard to suppress the flurry of emotions threatening to choke me.

"Do you want me to help you?" Allison asks, a flash of concern covering her face. I shake my head, smiling softly at her.

"No thanks Allison. I'm not gonna stand between you and Scotty boy." I say with a wink. She blushes, but grabs her skates and practically floats over to Scott. I huff and grab skates for myself, walking over and plopping down on the bleachers.

"Uh, hey Tori." Stiles says as he sits next to me, a small smile on his face.

"What do you want from me, Stiles?" I ask with a sigh. Stiles frowns. "I don't want anything Tori, I just thought that you could use a break. Allison told me that you don't think you're gonna stay here for long." He says and I frown. "Why are you being so nice to me, Stiles? Is it because we kissed?" I ask, and Stiles' face turns bright red. "N-no. I, it's not, no. Tori, I'm being nice to you because you're my friend and I can tell you're hurting right now. I really do think you could use a break, especially since you don't get to be a teenager very often." Stiles explains, his eyes focused on the ground. I open my mouth to respond, but close it just as fast. 
 "Thanks, Stiles. I do appreciate your effort." I say as I attempt to stand up with the skates. I wobble for a minute as I figure out how to balance. I smile at Stiles. "You coming Stilinski?" I ask. He grins and follows me to the ice. I step onto the ice and try not to panic as I start to slide away from the opening of the rink. I lose my balance and just as I start to fall, I feel arms around me. I turn my head and nod at Stiles, ignoring the heat coming from my face. "Ice is slippery." He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes, but grin anyway. Standing here, doing silly things with friends is something that I'm not going to ever forget.   


Hey guys. I know it's been literally forever since I updated this story.....or any story for that matter. That being said, I have a LOT of stuff in my drafts, including some Twilight stories. Let me know what you think about this chapter, and I'll try and update again before Christmas!

♥♥♥ Lydia Rose Martin ♥♥♥

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