Chapter Nineteen. Is It What I Want?

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"Yesterday was great." Daniel nudges.

I turn to him, "Let's get something straight. I like you, you like me, but it isn't a good time."

"When will it be Mac?" He asks sounding genuine. 

"Dan, you're serious?" I ask.

He furrows his eyebrows, "Yeah, you're not?" He asks.

"No! I am, it's just.... I'm scared." I say.

He shakes his head, looking disappointed, "Fine."

I grab his wrist, "Please."

"I've waited, you're so great, but you keep saying it's not a good time, when will it be?" He asks. 

A wave of sadness washes over me, "Daniel."

"You let me know, until then, stay away." He says walking to his house.

I watch as he slams the door. He was right. I'm afraid of commitment, but he doesn't find me worth the wait?

"What happened?" Mom asks behind me. 

I turn to her as tear prick my eyes, "Daniel, I don't know." I breathe.

"Honey, you like him." She says smiling sympathetically. 

"I know." I cry out.

"What happened?" She asks again.

"I can't decide." I rub my eyes.

"What can't you decide?" She asks.

"If I want to be with him, I do but.... if it doesn't work when things are just beginning to get better." I trail off.

She places her hand on my shoulder, "Honey, he likes you a lot, if you want it, go for it."

"How do I know I won't mess it up?" I ask.

She looks into my eyes with a warm smile, "You won't, you just have to have faith."


"Just listen, if you weigh your options and find that you think it'd be good for you, then go for it." She says.

I nod while wiping my eyes. Daniel has done so much for me, he makes me happy. Though every relationship has fights, I think I want it. I just need time, if he'd even wait for me. I've already made him wait so long.

"Thanks." I say walking to my room.

Sitting on my bed I close my eyes. If I go into it, he and I will be happy. We'll benefit each other and thrive. All that's blocking me, is my negative emotions and thoughts. 'What ifs' are filling the wholes that should be positive things. 

I need to stay away from him for a few days and challenge myself. If I want him as bad as I think I need to prove it to myself. I might actually love the idiot next door. What if he doesn't feel the same? Ugh. Shut up! 

My mom walks in with smile and I return it to her.

"Okay?" She asks.

I nod, "Yeah, I'm going to give it a few days." 

"Okay, be strong and think hard." She says.

"How do you know I like him?" I ask.

"You love him and he loves you, it's obvious, I see the way you look at each other." She explains, "You just have to decide if it's what you want right now."

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