Chapter 4: Seven Minutes in Hell

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As Kevon watched, Scarlet strode down the hallway and through the back doors. As soon as she was out of sight, she threw her cigarette in the trash. Yeah everyone smoked in europe but she thought it was dis-gusting. But her lack of enjoyment of cigarettes wasn't the only secret she had to keep. Shaking her head, Scarlet thought about what had actually happened at Tiffany's New Years eve party.

The evening had started off perfectly. As soon as she arrived, Scarlet had realized that Kevon was nowhere to be seen, which was ah-mazing! She could solidify her status as most popular girl in school, without that annoying grade nine wannabee in her way. All the usual events were taking place, such as Tiffany sliding down the stairs, and very nearly dropping a punch bowl all over herself, and Tara getting jealous of all the attention and sliding down the banister herself, showing off her ratty Garage granny panties to the whole room. Of course, Scarlet was watching it all and insta-storying all the most important, and memorable, parts. Sighing, she reached into her purse to replace her phone. Why was no one paying attention to her? She had just returned from Europe after all! How exotic! Spotting Mike, one of the grade 11 boys from St. Thomas, Scarlett strode over to flip her hair around and bat her eyelashes at him.

Just as she reached him however, a shrill voice from the other side of the room spoke up over the loud music system.

"Let's play a game!" Shrieked Michelle. "Seven minutes in heaven!" A murmur went through the crowd as everyone turned towards the loud girl.

"Uhh.. isn't that a little juvenile?" Questioned Scarlet.

"No, let's do it!" Mike went over to the table and grabbed an empty bottle. Everyone crowded around him and sat in a circle. Scarlet swallowed nervously. Was her secret about to be revealed?

"Logan! You go first!" Some rando boy shouted.

"No thanks!" Laughed Logan. "My lips are reserved." He said, while Yoshanda blushed. Eventually, Tara ran forward and grabbed the bottle.

"I'm going!" she cackled, and set down the bottle in the middle giving it a big theatrical spin. It slowed down and finally ended on Derrick Johns, who was in grade nine. "TIFFANY WHERE IS YOUR CLOSET."

"It's over in the bedroom." Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Don't touch anything expensive." After seven looong minutes, Tara returned, still dragging poor Derrick who looked as if he had been through a hurricane. Maybe he had, hurricane Tara that is.

"Alright," Mike stepped forward and grabbed the bottle."I'm next." He had a reputation for always lip kissing girls at parties. He spun the bottle, and it slowly came to a stop pointing right at Scarlet's patterned pants. Her heart froze, but on the outside she smiled serenely.

"Well he isn't like the English boys, but he'll do" She said coyly. As they walked into the bedroom and then into the closet, Scarlet felt more and more nervous. Opposite from what she told everyone, she hadn't lost her lip-kiss virginity yet! If that secret got out, if she was bad at it, she didn't know what she would do. As Mike leaned towards her she dodged sideways and he fell into the clothes rack.

"You don't want to kiss me!" Scarlet screeched nervously. "I have... a cold sore!"

"Oh.." Mike stared at her dumbfounded. "Well that would suck I guess.."

"Yes it would! I can't have my reputation ruined by people finding out I get viruses like the common crowd."

Instead of kissing like everyone thought they were, Scarlet and MIke ended up spending the next five minutes showing each other different snapchat filters. Once they exited the closet, Mike ended up getting picked up, and Scarlet slunk out the back door, needing to keep her biggest secret safe. 

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