Chapter 18: Carnation Crush

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Two days later, it was Valentine's day. Kevon woke up with a smile on her face, it was finally time to take down Tara and Michelle, again. Will they ever learn who's the true Queen she wondered? Oh well, Kevon didn't mind putting them in their place! She decided she wanted to dress up a little to celebrate the holiday, after all she finally had a crush who was crushing back on her to celebrate with! Maybe Scott would surprise her with something ah-mazing.

She stood in her closet for a while, pawing through all the racks before deciding on an outfit that was classy but still cute. She picked out a denim mini skirt, with a white lace bodysuit tucked into it and a Gucci belt. On her feet she wore her Gucci loafers, and she put her leather jacket over the outfit. To make it more festive, Kevon curled her hair and tied it up in a messy ponytail, with a red silk kerchief. She wore her Mejuri gold hoops, and finished the outfit with natural makeup and Fenty Stunna lip paint. Once she had packed her Louis Vuitton backpack, she waited by her front door for Scott and Scarlet to pick her up. It was almost time for the plan to come to life!

Hearing the honk outside, Kevon sprang out the door and down the steps. Scott reached across to open her door for her and she pulled herself up into his truck.

"You ready?" He asked her.

"Born ready" She replied, shaking her hair back and smiling at him.

"I'm nervous!" Scarlet piped up from the back seat. "What if something goes awry?"

"Awry?" Scott laughed. "Didn't realize we were in honours English. It'll be fine Scar."

They pulled into the parking lot and Kevon and Scarlet sneakily got out and went their separate ways. Before she could hop out, Scott grabbed Kevon's arm.

"You look great. I wish I had more time now, but I'll have to give you your surprise later" He winked at her. Kevon smiled back.

"Can't wait."

"Good luck!"

"We don't need it!"

Kevon strode into the school and met up with Yoshanda and Tiffany. She had explained the plan to them and she knew Yoshanda understood what to do, although she wasn't sure Tiffany did. Maybe all the fake blonde was finally getting to her.

"Hey guys. Are you ready?" The girls nodded back to Kevon, and smiled nervously.

"Good luck girl" Yoshanda said.

"Happy Valentine's Day B-T-W!" Kevon said. "Has Logan done anything for you yet?"

"No not yet, but hopefully later. We may even have our first lip kiss!"

The girls all squealed. A lip kiss! Wow!

Finally it was time for first period Bio. They all sat in their seats and waited for their plan to start. After twenty minutes, the cart with the carnations rolled in.

"Hello everyone, carnation delivery!" The peppy leadership student chirped. She started to give out the flowers, pink for friendship and red for crushes. The boys school also participated every year, and Kevon couldn't help wondering if Scott had sent her one. As more and more girls received flowers, mostly pink from their friends, Kevon got more and more excited. Here it comes!

The cart started coming up the aisle where Kevon, her friends, and Tara and Michelle sat. Yoshanda got a red carnation from Logan and pink from Kevon, Tiffany and a few admirers, Tiffany received a bunch of red carnations from the boys school and a few anonymous from St. Clarice's along with the requisite bunch of pinks. Finally, the cart stopped next to Tara and Michelle's desk. The peppy girl handed Tara a red carnation, and a pink one. Everyone turned, this was the first time Tara had received a red carnation.

"Who's it from?" Asked a girl in the class.

"Yeah tell us!" Another called out.

Smirking, Tara tore open the card which accompanied the flowers. She raised her eyebrows shocked and immediately threw the flower on her desk. Michelle snatched it up and read aloud,

"Marshall." Her face immediately grew beet red.


"N-nothing happened Michelle!" Michelle clearly didn't believe her. She turned to the cart, looking for her own flowers. Unfortunately, there weren't any, courtesy of Kevon and Scarlet.

"You didn't even get me a flower?" Michelle slowly turned to Tara. "After all I did for you.... I even made out with that gross computer boy so he could make a fake twitter account and post that video for you." The class gasped, and Kevon smirked. It was all going to plan. Yoshanda and Tiffany were playing their parts, posting the showdown to their insta and snap stories where the whole school would soon know what happened.

"Um, I thought Kevon posted the video..." Another girl, Sarah, said.

"I told you all a million times I was innocent. Believe me maybe next time? Scar and I are friends." Kevon shook her head as if the whole thing was beneath her. The muttering had spread around the whole room, and Kevon heard people talking in the hall. Suddenly Tara had had enough.

"Okay I did it! Kevon always gets what she wants!" She burst into tears.

"Calm down. You look like a tomato." Kevon snapped at her, before turning away. She couldn't wait to tell Scott! The carnation girl tapped her on the shoulder, and held out a bouquet towards her. FOUR red carnations? Two were from creepy randos, which she immediately threw away. The next one was from Scott! The card read, " Kevon, I've really loved getting to know you. See you tonight." She blushed and squealed, and showed the room.

"OMG" Sarah shrieked. "He's in grade 11!" Tara turned even redder.

Kevon opened the fourth red envelope, and froze. It was from Josh.

"Please forgive me. I love you." Kevon didn't know what to do! She turned to the class and laughed.

"Another stalker!" She accepted the large bouquet of pink carnations from her wannabees, and Tara ran out bawling. Kevon turned back to the front, but inside her mind was racing. Josh was in love with her?!!?

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