Chapter 11: Forgiveness is More Than Saying Sorry

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On Tuesday morning, Kevon woke up with a new hope in her heart. She had finally come up with a plan to get rid of Scarlet, and she would execute it today. Smirking at herself in the mirror, she applied some Tom Ford lipstick and strapped on her gold Daniel Wellington Melrose watch. It was time.

She chose her best "evil revenge" outfit, which consisted of a leather jacket, black ripped skinny jeans from Seven for All Mankind, a Gucci belt, and a dark grey cashmere long sleeved t-shirt from Nordstrom. After packing up her Fendi Spy bag, she headed out the door to school, listening to "This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things" by Taylor Swift and "Cherry" by Lana Del Rey on the way there. Harvey gave Kevon a look that said "what is with all of this revenge music?" but he knew better than to comment.

Once at school, Kevon met up with Tiffany and Yoshanda to talk about their plan.

"So how are you gonna leak the video??" Asked Yoshanda outside of their History class that morning.

"Two words." Kevon replied. "Starbucks."

Yoshanda wrinkled her eyebrows.

"Isn't it one word?"

Kevon rolled her eyes.

"Does it matter?? Anyways, after school I'm going over there to find Scarlet, she always goes there after school! Then I'm going to confront her and blackmail her with the video!" Kevon took a sip of her green juice from Glory Juice Co. "Genius right?"

Yoshanda and Tiffany nodded in unison.

"Pure genius!"

The trio laughed and finished their green juices before heading to class.

After the final bell rang after gym class, Kevon got changed out of her yoga gear and spritzed on some Gucci perfume before heading across the street to Starbucks.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a guy on a skateboard nearly ran into Kevon!!

"AHH! Watch where you're going asshole!!" Kevon hissed.

The guy stopped and approached her, his skateboard in his hands.

"I am so sorry!" He said, flicking his thick blond hair out of his face.

Kevon froze, this guy was seriously hot!!

"Oh it's fine!!" She said, blushing. Why had she used such harsh language? She kicked herself for that.

"Hey, are you the Kevon Biley?" He asked.

Kevon raised her perfectly waxed eyebrows.

"Yes, how do you know my name?" She asked, crossing her arms.

The guy smiled, "everyone knows who you are! I'm Scott, I'm a junior at the boy's school."

He held out his hand, and Kevon shook it firmly.

"Well.. nice to meet you Scott." Kevon said, showing off her pearly whites.

Just then, Kevon caught a glimpse of Scarlet walking into the Starbucks building with Josh!

"Sorry I have to go!" She cried, running away.

"See you later!" Scott called after her, but Kevon was already inside the Cafe.

Kevon spotted Scarlet sitting near the window, while Josh ordered their drinks.

How could Josh hang out with Scarlet so soon after he broke up with her??? Kevon felt a twinge of pain in her heart, and she marched straight up to Scarlet.

Scarlet looked up with an unwelcoming glare.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." She said.

Kevon glared back.

"Did it hurt when you had to crawl through the flames of Hell to get to Earth??" Kevon inquired, crossing her arms. Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"Surely you have better comebacks than that." She snickered.

At that moment, Josh came to the table and sat down with two drinks. Kevon could smell the familiar scent of peppermint and chocolate from the cups and her chest tightened up a bit.

Josh looked at Kevon with a look of disdain.

"Kevon...what are you doing here?" He asked, clutching his coffee cup.

"I could ask you the same thing." Kevon shot back.

Scarlet looked amused.

"If you could excuse us, we are on a date." Scarlet said, taking a sip of her mocha.

Josh looked down at the table. Kevon felt a lump in her throat.

"A date?" She quivered.

Scarlet nodded.

"Josh and I are dating, is there a problem?" She hissed.

"Well.. I wouldn't put it that-" Josh said before being interrupted by Scarlet.

"Josh deserves someone who is loyal, right Kevon?" She growled.

"I was loyal." Kevon said firmly. She looked Josh in the eye.

"Josh, everything Scarlet told you about me wasn't true! She never even invited me to the party and she never called me!"

Scarlet gasped.

"Of course I invited you!"

Kevon shook her head.

"Luckily I have truthful friends who told me everything." She said with a grin on her face.

Josh looked confused.

"Wait, Kevon did you really not know about the party??" He asked.

"No I never knew!" Kevon explained.

Scarlet laughed.

"That's BS!" She grabbed Josh's hand.

"Don't listen to her Josh, she's lying like always!"

Josh pulled his hand back.

"What if she's telling the truth?"

Kevon pulled out her rose gold iphone X and typed in her password.

"What are you doing?" Scarlet pondered.

Without a word, Kevon held the phone up to Scarlet as it played the video from Tiffany's party.

Scarlet's face went beet red.

"Where the hell did you get that??"

She cried in embarrassment, losing her English accent for a minute.

"If you admit to manipulating me, then this won't see the light of day" Kevon said.

Scarlet ran her fingers through her long hair.

"FINE." She screamed. Half of the people in Starbucks looked at her.

"Kevon, I did manipulate you. Josh, she never cheated on you, and no I didn't invite her to my exclusive party because she's a wannabee rat!!!!"

Scarlet got up, and threw her steaming coffee on the ground in a huff.

"I hate you!!!" She hissed into Kevon's ear, then stormed off.

Kevon smiled. Sweet revenge.

"Kevon..." Josh started. "I'm so sorry! I thought she was telling the truth. Please forgive me and take me back!"

Kevon looked at his sad face. Pathetic, she thought.

"Josh I can't believe you wouldn't trust me, obviously it's not gonna work out between us." Kevon whimpered. She couldn't believe she had just said those words, but if Josh wasn't able to trust her, then what would happen?

Josh looked down. "Please Kev...I can't believe I trusted her."

He reached for Kevon's hand, but Kevon pulled away and walked out the door, tears streaming down her face. How could she ever forgive Josh?

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