Awkward Part 6

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The next couple days were very awkward. Callum and Rayla spent time away from each other and avoided the other. They talked when they needed to and worked together when they had to but everybody knew something was up. 

So finally Ez locked them in the bedroom he shared with Callum.

"EZRAN!!" Rayla yelled banging on the door but he giggled and they heard his feet run up the stair to the main deck. 

"I'm sorry." Callum said looking down. "I just got ahead of myself and-and i'm sorry..."

Rayla looked at him. "No i'm sorry. I didn't mean to run away i was just surprised." She said her face turning a light shade of pink. 

"So your not mad at me?" Callum locked eyes with her, hope written all over his face. 

"I'm not mad..." Rayla looked down. "I'm embarrassed." Callum laughed and then cupped her face in his hand. He lifted her chin so that she was looking at him. 

Callum stepped forward and whispered. "Don't be." Then he closed his eyes and leaned forward. 

But this time Rayla did the same. 

They pulled back a minute later both blushing and laughing. Then the door opened. 

"You guys make out?" Ez asked. 

"You mean make up?" Rayla asked but Ez shook his head. 

"I meant what I said." Rayla pulled out her swords and Ez bolted. Rayla chased after him nitro style ready to kill him and Callum laughed.

"Rayla please don't kill my brother!" he yelled and ran after her. He grabbed her arms and she struggled. 

"I'm totally gonna kill him." She said but after a minute put her swords back. "Fine." 

"HEY!! Love bugs!!" Amaya called. "We're docking tomorrow. Matthew spotted land!" 

Callum face went scarlet and Rayla's face matched. "W-we're not love bugs!" He stuttered and Amaya laughed. 

Then Matthews walked by. "Are you guys going to help or are you going to stand there holding hands?" He asked and Rayla and Callum immediately looked down. They burst apart and Callum laughed again. 

"I'll go to the crows nest." he said and took out his marble and once again flicked it across the deck. After a second he shot up into the sky whooping. Rayla on the other hand went to help Cook. 

~Later. It be 9 PM~ 

Rayla was sitting in her hammock thinking again.  She looked around the room and then quietly stood, the floor creaking. She stood stock still but then slipped to the crows nest undetected. She looked out at the ocean again closing her eyes as she felt the spray on her face. Then she looked down and saw something glitter in the ocean. She felt a pull to jump down and grab it. She left the crows nest, never taking her eyes off the object. She came to the railing and reached out a hand. Her fingers only brushed air. She took a breath and then dived in. 

She grabbed the glittery thing but she couldn't see it perfectly in the moon light. She saw the ship moving without her and panic sliced through her chest. She hadn't thought this through. The water was cold and her limbs began to ache. The waves began to get bigger and bigger. A storm was coming. 

"Help!" She gurgled, water slamming into her mouth. "Callum!" She faintly heard footsteps and a call  but then everything went black. 

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