Fight Part 10

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Rayla woke later, feeling fine. She sat up and noticed the bolt was undone. "Callum." She breathed and bolted out of the door. She looked around but the only thing she found were foot prints next to the door and then dragged heel marks. Rayla ran around frantic but she still couldn't find anything. 

She ran around a corner and crashed into someone. 

"Rayla! There you are! Where's Callum?!" Amaya asked and Rayla explained everything. 

"Ugh that son of-" Amaya stuffed a pear in her mouth before she could finish that sentence. "We have to find Callum. We're leaving port tomorrow!" she said and Rayla's heart sank. 

"We don't have that kind of time!" Rayla said and but then a thought popped into her head. She ran to the most crowed part of town, Amaya on her heels. "We need to start a fight." Rayla said, her eyes gleaming. "Then people will crowd around and draw the attention of the pirates. Then I get captured and taken to where Callum is!" Rayla explained and Amaya nodded. 

"Okay." She said and then, "YOU DIRTY PIECE IF TRASH!!" Amaya swung a punch at Rayla but she ducked. "I'LL GET MY VENDETTA!!" Amaya shouted drawing stares. After a second more more people crowed around them wanting to see the people fight. 

After a minute they heard shouts and two pirates charged into the circle. 

"I'll get Callum. Get ready to pull the ship out fast." Rayla said before getting pulled away. 

The pirates yanked her to an alley and to a door. It had two intertwining snakes with red jewel eyes on the door knob. 

"Felix is going to be very happy." one of them said opening to the door and leading Rayla into a dark hall way. "He's already dealt with your little boyfriend, so I suggest not doing anything stupid. He's one punch away from death." He grinned at Rayla's white face. 

She started to struggle when they came to a door and the other pirate slung her across his shoulder and carried her down the stairs. 

"Have a nice day." He said and opened a door and threw her in the room. The door shut and a bolt clicked. There were small lights in the ceiling but it took a minute for Rayla's eyes to adjust to the light. 

And as soon as they did she screamed. Callum was slumped against the wall, blood dripping down the side of his face. And although Rayla could see no injury on his body, blood had stained his clothes. Rayla scrambled to Callum's side and shook him. 

"Callum! Wake up! Please! It's me, Rayla!" She shook him again and this time got a faint groan. 

"R-rayla..." Callum sat up slightly and winced, holding a hand to his ribs. "Y-your here. You c-came." He said, his eyes glazed over. Rayla smiled weakly and nodded. 

"C'mon. We gotta get you out of here." Rayla looked around, trying to find anything to help them escape but Callum grabbed her hand. 

"Rayla...i'm hurt. I-i can't go." He said and tears slipped down his cheeks. "You have to get out without me." He said. 

"No. I'm not leaving you." Rayla blinked hard but her waterworks broke down and she started to cry as well. "You have to come with me." She said, resting her forehead on his. Callum closed his eyes. 

"You have no other choice." He whispered and they heard footsteps. "Go." Callum leaned forward, sharing a tender kiss with Rayla before the door opened and a pirate walked in. 

"I love you." Callum said and the pirate grabbed Rayla's arms. 

"I love you too." Rayla said an instant before she was wrenched away. 

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