Letter and training Part 13

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The next couple weeks were uneventful. Rayla and Callum we're fine after their near death experience, Ez stopped teasing Rayla and Callum and Amaya had new found respect for the half mermaid. 

But one day a messenger hawk came. The seal was a blue wave and Rayla gasped when she saw it. 

"What is it?" Callum asked, when Matthew handed it to her. 

She opened it with trembling fingers. "Its from the mermaids." she said, her voice just above a whisper. She unrolled the paper and held it out so Callum could read. 

Dear Rayla,

     We recently discovered a land cave that may hold you parents. Felix has been sailing around the Caribbean so we cannot send out spies. You understand that it would be to risky. The cave is in Venesso. I hope you will take this mission.  I hope you make the right choice. 



"Rayla, this is great!" Callum said, pumping a fist. Rayla grinned. 

"I'll get my parents back!" She said and she twirled, laughing, her arms out stretched. 

"So, wheres Vesso?" Callum asked and Rayla rolled her eyes. 

"Its Venesso, Callum." Rayla explained. "And its about three weeks away." her eyes had the sparkle that Callum admired. 

"Well, go tell Amaya were to go so she can take us straight there!" Callum laughed and Rayla bolted away. 

~Lazy Author Time Skip~ 

"Your not changing my mind." Rayla said, hands on her hips. 

"I suck at it though!" Callum said back. 

"You haven't tried it!" Rayla shot back. 

"I have too!" Callum retorted.

"When?" Callum opened his mouth but then closed it, eyebrows drawn together. 

"Thats what I thought." Rayla said, waving a hand. She pulled Callum to the center of the deck and handed him one of her swords. She moved his arms out, one holding the sword. 

Callum blushed, a deep scarlet. 

Rayla started talking about the swords movement and how it was an extension of himself. Callum followed every word, nodding. Finally Rayla walked in front of him and pulled out her other sword.

"Attack." She said. Callum nodded and then ran at her, sword raised. Rayla closed her eyes and disarmed him easily, sending him to the ships floor. 

"Child." She said. "What the fudge are you doing?" Callum looked at her. 

"How are you so good?" He asked and Rayla knelt down. Then she held the sword out and wrapped her hand around it. 

"Watch my fingers." She said. She slowly and gently flipped the sword around in every movement she could think of at that moment. 

Callum took the sword and intertwined his fingers with hers. "See? Perfect fit!" 

Rayla shook her head. "Callum...that was random." she said laughing. "Now get up and lets train. We're gonna see Felix again." Callum stood up. 

"Okay." he stood up and copied the movements Rayla did. He dropped the swords a couple times but he figured it out pretty well.

After about 30 minutes the couple looked at the sky and noticed that it was getting dark, stars already sprinkling the sky. 

"Can we go to the crows nest?" Callum asked. "My arms hurt." Rayla laughed and agreed. 

Callum grabbed her hand and pulled her to the rope. Then he flicked the marble.

"I love doing this with you." Callum said and smiled. 

Rayla grinned back. "I do too." Then they we're launched into the air. 

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