Washed Ashore Part 8

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Rayla regained consciousness, her head hurting. She sat up and realized that she was in a house. A very fine furnished house. The walls were cream white with very light blue swirls. Rayla herself was laying on a cookie dough colored blanket with another one thrown over her. She sat up slightly and her head pounded. Rayla's breath came out in a noisy gasp. She shut her eyes and then sat on the edge of the bed and looked around. There was a table and chair both the color of nutmeg and the plush light pink carpet went well with the pearly white doors. 

Rayla pushed herself off the bed and noticed something glitter on the bedside table. She picked it up and turned it over in her hands. It was the glittery thing she had grabbed...yesterday? The day before yesterday? Rayla didn't remember. Rayla looked closer and realized the glittery thing was a geo ring. It was a light purple with a gold band. A little red ball was stuck to it. Rayla pulled it off. This was what kept it afloat. 

The Rayla remembered Callum. She ran to one of the three doors and flung it open. It was a closet filled with expensive clothing. The next door was a marble bathroom. The last one opened up into a brightly light hall way. Rayla dashed down it and found twisting stairs at the bottom. She ran down them and threw the glass front door open. She ran out and skidding to a stop. Everywhere she looked were people. Men, women, children, and then pirates. Rayla looked around and then her face lit up. 

She saw The Ryde docked about five blocks down. She bolted down. 

Callum's POV 

Callum was swinging through the rigging after they docked when he saw a girl running towards The Ryde. He glanced at her before doing a double take. It was Rayla! Callum crashed hard on the ships floor but scrambled on his feet and bolted down the gain plank. Rayla saw him coming and grinned. 

"Callum!!" She yelled. 

"Rayla!!" Callum pushed his way through people, wanting to get to her ad fast as possible. They crashed into each other and Callum picked her up twirling Rayla around int he air before setting her down and enveloping her in a crushing hug. 

"What happened to you?! You had me so worried!!" Callum said ready to chew her out. But he didn't get the chance. Rayla pulled back and kissed him intensely. 

They pulled back a minute later. "I thought I'd never see you again." Rayla whispered and Callum hugged her again. 

"Its okay. But what happened?" Callum asked and Rayla pulled back. 

"I uh...grabbed this...from the water?" Rayla showed him the ring. 

Callum's face went hard. "You jumped off the ship?! Alone!? FOR SOMETHING GLITTERY!?" He shook his head. 

"Yeah I know i'm sorry." Rayla said looking down. "I'm stupid." 

"Your perfect." Callum said and kissed her again.

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