Oh Crud! Part 9

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Rayla and Callum were interrupted by shouts. They turned to see Felix and his crew chasing them, swords raised. 

"Run!!" Callum grabbed and bolted, pulling Rayla fast behind him. "Go go go!!" He turned around a corner and Rayla followed.

"You there!! Halt!!" The pirates yelled at them but they just went faster. Callum pulled ahead of Rayla, but his hand was yanked from hers. He skidded to a stop and turned to see a fruit vendor holding Rayla. She was struggling and he wrapped a cloth over her mouth, one arm encircling her waist and the other around her shoulders, dangerously close to her  neck. The pirates shouted at him not to let her go and the fruit vendor didn't. 

Callum shot back and shoved the vendor off Rayla. He stumbled back and crashed into his own little tent. Fruit spilled everywhere. 

"Only I'm allowed to touch her." Callum said, voice hard, eyes ablaze with fire. The vendor looked up at him with fear in his eyes and scrambled away. Rayla tore the gag from her mouth. 

"Tell him off later. We need to go!!" Rayla said and grabbed Callum's hand, only pausing for a moment thinking how much she wanted to kiss him but another shout from Felix's crew snapped her back from her daydream. "Go!!" She took off, dragging Callum behind her. She weaved in and out of people, Callum crashing into people.   

"Rayla!! There catching up!!" Callum had risked a glance behind him. Rayla's eyes danced over the crowd and houses. She noticed one with a door open. It was a small flat but it was enough. Rayla crouched down, pulling Callum down as well. 

"Roll." She instructed, her hand letting go of his. She crossed hers over her chest and then rolled. Callum copied her. They rolled, now out of sight, into the little flat. Rayla stood and closed the door carefully. Luckily there were no windows and the door had a bolt to lock it. Rayla clicked the lock and then looked around. There was a bed, a small sink, and a chair. Plus a small table pushed into one corner. Callum stood up, flinching when the pirates ran past the door, still hollering. 

Rayla threw herself on the bed laughing. "We're safe!!" She closed her eyes and stretched her arms above her head. Callum layed down next to her, their legs dangling off the side. 

"We need to contact Amaya." He said and Rayla nodded. "We can't go back to the ship though...maybe we could have somebody send a message?" Callum suggested. 

"That's a good idea." Rayla agreed and yawned. 

"You should sleep." Callum said sitting up. Rayla opened her mouth to protest but instead of words another yawn came out. "I'm beating you on this one." Callum grinned and Rayla shot him a look. 

"Fine." Rayla turned over. "Wake me up when your tired." She said. 

"We both know that's not gonna happen." Callum said, grinning. Rayla was going to tell him off but sleep concurred her before she could say anything. Callum smiled and gently brushed hair over her shoulder. 

"I love you." Callum said and kissed her forehead. He unbolted the door and slipped out, closing it behind him. 

But then a gag was tied around his mouth and the world went black. 

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