Callum Part 17

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Callum swam as fast as he could, the necklace in his hand. He was squeezing it so tight he could feel the edges biting into his palm. But he didn't let go. This could be the last thing of Rayla he would ever have again. 

He needed to make this right. 

He knew there was magic in the world. How do you explain the giant monster ship that eats other ships? Or Rayla. Shes half mermaid!  

So maybe, just maybe there could be a healing spell. He could save Adella, and Rayla's parents.  

But a thought nagged at him. 

Would Rayla go back to the merkingdom? The thought of losing her was too much to bear so Callum pushed the thought away. 

"I see you are burdened." said a voice and Callum whipped around. There, sitting on a rock, was an old mermaid. She was knitting. 

"Um hello." Callum said, waving awkwardly. 

With one swish of her tail the old mermaid was by his side. "You wish for you're loved one to stay with you." She said. 

Callum went red. "N-no." He stammered but the old lady grabbed his arm and pulled him to a cave. She let go of him and started to rummage around. There was junk everywhere. Chests, strings, bottles, old bent spoons and forks, but what was the weirdest, there was a random statue of a boy. 

"What are you doing?" Callum asked the lady. 

The lady sighed. "Humans have no patience." Then she snatched the necklace out of his hands and yeeted it into the air.

Callum cried out, reaching out to grab it but suddenly it glowed a light so blinding that Callum couldn't see for a minute after the light died away. She lady held the necklace out for Callum. He wrapped his fingers around it and the lady grabbed his hand. 

"You want to find her?"

"Of course! Why is that a question?" 

"Focus on that feeling." Was all she said. Then she let go and the necklace tugged Callum through the water.

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Carmen Letcha anddd

KessariWolfPack (who actually meh cousin hehe)

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