Chapter 9: The Confrontation

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A/N: Listening to; "Land Of Confusion" by Hidden Citizens *little too fitting lol* 

Hope you enjoy this chapter, y'all! #epicbattletime

Special info at bottom! Along with a message!

Third Person P.O.V

"TIM?!" Jay called, running with new energy "TIM?!"

"JAY WAIT!" TJ Yelled, the group trying to catch up.

Suddenly, Jay vanished with a flash. "WHAT THE H**L?!" She shouted, searching the spot. "Wow, umm, this is cool?" Josh muttered, looking around, "Nice at parties, I'm sure." Vinny just shook his head, looking defeated, but he kept looking into empty classrooms.

Jay rolled onto the ground, looking around in surprise. He was in the tunnel. And he wasn't alone. He heart grunts, and saw Tim and Alex fighting for a gun. He jumped to his feet, but instantly had them pulled out from under him. He turned and found himself being drug by tentacles from the Slender Man. His fingers grasped onto a piece of concrete, lifting it only to bring it back down on the tentacle. It didn't respond, but the background changed; flashing into the old hospital.

Tim belted out a battle cry as the gun slipped from Alex's hands to the floor. Jay ran, sliding to grab for it. As he hit the ground, the surroundings switched to the outdoors, by the climbing tower. Jay caughed, metallic filling his taste. He reached out through dried leaves for the gun, but was yanked back by the leg, regretting not having a knife.

He swallowed, reminding himself to breath as it lifted him off the ground. Ignore the ringing ears. Focus. Focus.

It lifted him up to face level, staring into him without eyes. His head screamed, the static rattling his mind, blood coming from his ears. He put his legs up and shoved off of the figure, but only made it a few feet. It still held on.

"JAY!" Suddenly, a rock flew past, hitting the tentacle. Jay slipped away, thankful to hear Tim. The surroundings changed to the cabin in the woods. Jay got up, the figure not seeming pleased. Another wave hit, static, blood from his ears, some he coughed up. His knees nearly gave out. But he remembered the videos; what Tim did.

He stood his ground, glaring back.

It matched his gaze, Tim and Alex struggling in the background.

Agony rushed through him, creeping through his bones and blood. But he stood firm. The static merged with screaming, his vision flickering in a dark tunnel. But he stayed.

Slenderman looked down at him. Somehow, Jay felt it; Anger. No, not just that; Fascination. It was interested... Then disappeared, and surroundings turned back to the school, on the second level.

Jay dropped to his knees, coughing up a concerning amount of blood. He lifted himself and saw Alex lying in a pool of crimson, eyes glazed over. Tim sat on the floor next to him, eyes wide, staring at Jay. He pushed his exhausted muscles and wrapped his arms around the man in plaid.

"I'm so sorry." He panted, "Thank you. Thank-" He stopped, finally comprehending Tim's trembling. Jay pulled away, only to find blood gushing from his side. "Oh gosh, Tim," He quietly gasped, putting his hand over the wound and helping him to lay back against the wall.

"I thought," he began, "You were gone..." "I'm not," he said, eyes stinging, "And neither will you be-" "Jay," he mumbled, grabbing his wrist, "Jessica's alive."

The others ran as Jay asked, "What?" "You were... I was afraid she'd get in this like you. I got her some pills, sent her away..." "Where to?" "Petersberg, Washington..." He grimaced, reaching for his wound. Jay pressed harder, "Okay. We'll keep her safe. Together. But you have to hold on-" he shook his head, looking back at Jay, "I can't... but, I, I'm glad you're okay..." tears rolled down Jay's cheeks, "Tim, no!" he pleaded, "No, you can't go! It's supposed to be okay now!" "It still can be." "No! I need you!" he cried. Tim him in the eyes, already too pale, "Jessica needs you more now..."

He wasn't sure what to say. Nor what to do. He leaned over and hugged him, tight, whispering "Thank you. You're the best friend I ever had..." He felt his last breath leave him.

Jay couldn't hold back the sob as his world span. TJ put her hand on his shoulder, guiding him back. He caught one last look of Tim's black eyes, somehow, in death, finally holding content. Accomplishment. He closed his eyes, then took off his jacket, covering his fallen friend.

He looked over at Alex, feeling nothing. Nothing at all. He sobbed, but there wasn't a second of it for his old friend. Not for the wonderful memories replaying, back when everything was fine. Nothing.

It was all for the man who saved him.


And to think, I was gonna say at the top tagline : "I hope you enjoy! This one's painful!" but instead, yay! We got to go through the pain with no warning together!!

So, there it was; the climax of book 1! There's 1 more chapter to go!! AHH! I can't believe part 1's basically done!! (RIP Tim and Alex... and still Austin) But.. since y'all have probably not been even thinking about it, I still follow through as promised, here is name reveal for the sequel to my other Slenderverse fanfic; 

Unknown Purpose (A Marble Hornets Story) Part 2

That cover was legit awful to make, so I hope you enjoy lol!

So, we have one more update, and with that will be chapter 1 of this one! Please enjoy!!

Another important note; I know a lot of younger folks are into Slenderverse, and this suggests to me some of you could use this info; Two of my favorite Youtubers (Nexpo and MamaMax) teamed up to talk about a sketchy website with sketchy AF people, and so I wanted to spread the word on that with their video ('Cause I ain't lyin when I say I care!)

So here's that video; 

(Link, the video thing isn't working lol)

Thank you, and please spread the word to anyone you know! Keeping each other safe!! (Safe, which is what EVERYONE in Slenderverse is NOT lol!)

Also, I'm starting Slendervlog afraidathome, cause that seems fitting still for quarantine so... any thoughts, y'all? Heard of it before?


J <3

Unknown Destination (A Marble Hornets Story)Part 1Where stories live. Discover now