Courage? Yeah, no -.-

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I stayed at Marie's again that night. I think I'm just gonna move in with her.! Yeah, defiantly! Anyways, we decided to order pizza an just camp out in her living room. I woke in the same position as yesterday! Weirdd. Anyways, this time I woke marie up " get up you whore!!!" I screamed in her ear. She jumps up " what the fuck do you want?!" I laugh, " nothing I was just lonely.." She chuckles, I get up and go make some cereal to eat. Walking back and plopping down on the couch, eating my cereal. I check my phone, one new message. Opening It, it's from Dakota.! "What the hell was that yesterday?!?! Seriously?! Jenny deserved none of that thank you though! Hope you and your whore are happy with yourselves, leave me & Jenny the fuck alone!" I-I'm shock completely, Dakota's not like that unless he's with Jenny. And yeah, I show Marie her reply to his text was " she completely deserved it kissing you I front of me just to hurt me? Yeah she did and calling me a bitch and a suicidal freak...tell you're damn whore that she doesn't know my story and never will. what did I ever do to make you hate me so much?..." In terms of acting as me...she lays my phone down. "I'm so sorry baby girl", she says pulling me into her arms. I just sit there, hugging her back. Close to breaking but it don't. Finally, my phone starts going off,its Dakota. "you dumb whore!?!? What did you do!?!?! You cheated on me with my best friend!" Alright, no. Jenny did this, I know it. She told him. I call him, he picks up,"hello?"

"hey, I know I'm the last person you want to talk to..but, can I tell you something?"

"sure why not" he says in a sarcastic tone.

"1. I never cheated on you with ANYONE. Especially your best friend... Who ever the hell told you that is a complete dumb fuck. Who told you that in the first place...?"


"seriously!?! You believed her!?! Why!??!"

"well...her friends said it was true...and a few other guys did she hangs out with...."

"fuck...she just wanted you back. she got it....I'm glad you're happy..."

"erm...thanks...jennys calling, ima uh...go.."

I just hang up the phone. Throw down on the bed and scream. Sounds childish...but, it's my way of coping. It used to be self-harm. Now its screaming. As long and as loud as I can. Even if I loose my voice after a while, I just collapse backwards onto the bed.

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