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Shuhua sat on a bench with Yuqi, watching as their team mates practice shooting.

"Shu, it's already a year since you and Soojin unnie came out to the whole school..right?" the girl asks her.

"yes, you remembered it?" Shuhua asks, amused at how good Yuqi's memory is.

"of course, I'm also a top student in my own class Shu." Yuqi tells her with her eyes rolling.

"I kind of forgot you're actually using your brain Yuqi." she said with a voice teasing Yuqi as the girl irritatedly looked at her.

"I hate talking to you." Yuqi told her and she chuckled.

"says the one who talked to me first." she answered as Yuqi glared at her before walking away.

"I hate you." Yuqi tells her but she blowed her a kiss.

"yeah, I know you love me!" she yells as Yuqi blocked her ears, walking away towards their team mates.

Shuhua smiled as she watched Yuqi interact with them.


Shuhua cried her eyes out. Hiding her face from everyone else who might see her from under the tree she's been for the past 5 minutes.

She just found out that the love of her life is already in a relationship with Hui.

She had always been in love with Soojin. But the girl is too dense to realize she's serious whenever she tells her she loves her.

Suddenly, someone came to her side.

"Shu." she didn't need to look up to know who was that someone.

There's only one person who has a voice as deep as that, a huge contrast to her cute face.

"go away Yuqi." she says, hiding her face even more.

However, she felt a presence beside her.

"I'll just stay here, don't worry I won't ask you anything." Yuqi tells her.

Nobody really said anything else after that.

They just sat together, leaning their backs on that tree, Shuhua hiding her face from everyone and Yuqi just simply staring straight ahead.

After around 20 minutes, Shuhua slowly raised her head and found Yuqi listening to her earphones, eyes closed.

She wiped her tears and nudged Yuqi who in return slowly opened her eyes before looking back at her.

"what are you listening to?" she asks as Yuqi only smiled at her before sharing her earphones with her.

(P!nk-True Love)

"you're so old school." she says as she moves a bit closer to Yuqi.

"don't insult my taste in music Yeh Shuhua." the girl tells her, voice serious she had to move away a bit to see if Yuqi is indeed mad. Removing the earphones in the process.

But a smiling Yuqi is what she saw, "why are you smiling like that?" she asks.

Yuqi rolled her eyes at her, "should I smile like this instead?" Yuqi then proceeded to do some weird poses and series of smiles that made Shuhua laugh a lot.

"stop! don't make me see those silly faces again!!" she yells, closing her eyes while shaking her whole head as a proof of her point.

She heard Yuqi laugh loud at her.

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