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The next day, Soyeon came inside the school gates with a smile on her face.

"this is it." she says as she walks in.

While she's walking, she saw Soojin walking ahead of her, alone.

"where's Shu?" she asks no one.

"Soojin?!" she calls and ran to where Soojin is.

"oh, hi Soyeon." the girl greets her.

"where's Shu?" she asks as they started walking together.

"she's still busy.." Soojin answered her and she nodded.

But in her mind, she knows something's wrong.

Of course she knows that Soojin is seeing Hui again, but how about Shuhua? How about their deal?

She chose not to say anything and kept those thoughts in her mind.

For now, she's thinking if she could invite Yuqi for lunch..just the two of them. She'll finally make her move.


Soojin is in deep thought.

Since the night before, her conversation with Shuhua kept on playing in her head.

She decided she'll just go visit Shuhua in her room, see how she's doing.

But maybe she should not have done that.

Coz right now, she's seeing Shuhua, leaning on Yuqi with both of their eyes close.

"right, she's already dating her." she says to herself as she sighed.

She then decided to go walk towards her own classroom.

On her way there, she received a message.


Soo? can we eat breakfast together?

When she read it, she stopped walking and sent a reply.


I can't Hui..maybe lunch? :)

She waited for a reply and it came.


okay :) see you later Soo..I love you.

She read the message again and again. Hui's I love you should make her feel things. But why isn't she feeling anything right now?


I love you too Hui.

Sighing, she continued her way towards her room.


"babe?" Miyeon calls the girl that's just sitting beside her.

"hmm?" Minnie hummed.

"is Shu and Soojin going to break up?" she asked and Minnie stopped reading the book she's been reading for awhile now.

"huh? why the sudden question?" her girlfriend asks her.

"well, I haven't seen them together..and then it's all over the campus how Shu's usually with Yuqi and rumors about Soojin seeing Hui again is spreading too." Miyeon said, observing how Minnie will react.

"I guess they will. They're a bit distant to each other..I don't know why but yeah, maybe they will." she watched how her girlfriend answered the question.

"but we both know they love each other..maybe they just need an alone time together, should we give them that?" she asked.

"let's just let them be babe." Minnie answered.

And then the bell started ringing, "let's attend our class now." Minnie said as they both stood and made their way towards their room.

One would think Miyeon's mind is out of it already. But honestly, even when their teacher is talking in front, her mind's still thinking about Shuhua and Soojin.

Also about Minnie.

Her girlfriend isn't the one to just keep calm in times like this.

Especially when Minnie wants Shuhua to be happy, and her happiness is Soojin.

So why the sudden "let them be" vibe?

And about Hui and Soojin, is it true? She's seen Yuqi and Shuhua spend time together already and she does not know what to think of it, they're just best friends, right?

Does Minnie know things she doesn't? Why isn't her girlfriend not telling her anything?


"Soo, when are you going to break up with Shuhua?" Hui asks Soojin when they're almost done eating.

This is the place where they used to eat their lunch before, back when everything's not a mess.

Soojin felt herself being sad at the question, but she knows she needs to give Hui an answer.

"tomorrow..I'll do it tomorrow." she answered and she saw how Hui smiled at her.

It was the same smile she loves.

"really?" Hui asked, obviously unable to believe.

"yes." she answered and then Hui reached for her hand and held it.

"then you'll finally come back to me, right?" he asked and Soojin nodded.

"we won't tell anyone about us being back together..not until things start to be better Soo, I promise." Hui said and she once again nodded.

This is what she wants. To get back with Hui. To be with him again. This is her dream come true. Shuhua and her successfully made him feel jealous.

But why does it feel so wrong? Why does she wants Shuhua to be here with her instead of Hui?

Is her feelings for Hui gone?

Did she really manage to love Shuhua back?

All her memories with Shuhua came flashing on her mind. The time she spent with her.

The pain she felt when she saw Shuhua and Yuqi together, the pain she felt when Shuhua said they need to end their deal coz she's already dating Yuqi.

It all makes sense now.

"I love you Soo..I won't ever mess this up again." she hears Hui say.

She's already in love with Shuhua, long before she realized she is.

"Soo?" Hui calls her.

"hmm? I love you too." she answers.

She may be in love with Shuhua, but the pain she caused her is too much. Yuqi is the one who deserves her.

And that's the right thing to do.

Make Shuhua find her happiness.


NOTE: hi! I'm back with the update!!

and yes, Soojin is indeed in love with Shuhua..did she do the right thing like the way she thinks she did or not?

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