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"saw you with Soojin unnie, how is she?" Yuqi asks Shuhua when the girl approached her.

"she wondered why I'm not linking arms with her and stuffs." Shuhua tells her as they walk together.

"what did you tell her?" she asks.

"Hui's around." Shuhua answers with a smile that made Yuqi wonder.

"but he's not here yet?" she asked, confused.

"yeah, I just told her that as an excuse..anyways, Yuqi..you're my girlfriend, why are you worrying about someone else?" Shuhua asked her.

And she did not say anything.

Yes, she's already Shuhua's girlfriend and the girl did asked her to be patient.

But as of now, she knows that the person Shuhua really loves is Soojin..so she can't really be extremely happy.

"hey, what's wrong?" Shuhua asked her as they stop outside the cafeteria door.

She did not say anything though and just stared at Shuhua.

Shuhua's eyes looked so sad right now, more sad than before.

Is she pressuring Shuhua to love her back?

"look Yuqi..I will do my best to love you back, just give me time please? I promise I won't do anything that would hurt you more.." Shuhua tells her, assuring her.

"okay Shu." she said, still questioning herself.

"thank you Yuqi." Shuhua says, staring at her and somehow, she saw how the girl's eyes lit up.

Maybe she really isn't pressuring Shuhua.


"did you already tell Soyeon we'll go see her?" Miyeon asks her girlfriend.

"I haven't..call and tell her, also ask her if there's food or things she needs, we'll buy it for her." Minnie answers as she starts the car.

"okay babe." Miyeon says, dialing Soyeon's number.

When the girl answered, she spoke, "Soyeoooon!" she calls and Minnie chuckled at that.

"we're coming over to visit you..are you feeling better now?" she asked.

"yes unnie..take care on your way here!" she heard Soyeon say.

"do you need anything? we can buy it on our way." she said.

"hmm..pizza?" she chuckled at that.

"okay, we'll buy that..bye Soyeon!!"

"bye unnie." and the call ended.

"what did she say?" Minnie asked her.

"pizza." she answers with a chuckle and Minnie chuckled too.

"and she'll take the veggies away too." her girlfriend says and she nodded, agreeing.

When they arrived, they checked first if Soyeon's really fine already.

After, they settled themselves and started eating the pizza.

"by the way, Yuqi and Shuhua said they'll visit you tomorrow if you're still not feeling well." she told Soyeon.

"okay..but I'll probably be back in school tomorrow, I'm completely fine now." Soyeon answers her.

She nodded as a response, then she suddenly remembered something.

"I haven't seen Soojin today..and Shu's okay with it, so unusual of her." she said and unknown to her, Minnie and Soyeon both don't know what to say.

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