Chapter twelve

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Kara's POV

What did i do? What the hell did i do? I don't even have words for that. My head was spinning from the happenings, and the most funny thing is, me and Lena weren't speaking nearly 2 weeks ago, now i kissed her. Ahh i feel soo embarrassed, but also there is some feeling inside me that wants to do that again and again for the rest of my life, but that should be because of stress. Besides Lena seemed frozen and still, not showing any emotions while driving car, slowly, she almost seemed chill, maybe the kiss didn't mean anything to her? What am i talking, it really didn't mean anything to her, dumb.

Lena's POV

Yep that's me, you're probably wondering how smart, independent, civilized woman went to that kinda mess who freaks out about her best friend kissing her. But that's true. All the things i felt now and thought was one, big, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. There was this part of me, the bigger and most logical part, telling me that Kara did that just because, not to be heard by that snake, and kiss didn't mean anything to her, she just saved our lives, like everytime, so that part was telling me to forget and move on. But my other little part, and incredibly strong one was telling me that i felt something into that kiss, and Kara felt it too. But that's big bullcr*p. That part confused me, almost made me panic, made me feel weak. I don't know what is that and why am i doing that. I seemed to be stressed and nervous because Kara yelled

"LENA TREE!" i hit the brakes before the car would crash. Kara looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to say something, as i was going to ask her about the kiss, instead i asked her different thing

"I must have zoned out sorry. Uh-um, Kara? Where are we going?" She looked at me, suddenly her eyes wide.

"Oh my- I forgot that Diego has a party tomorrow!" She placed her hand on her forehead, nervous

"Kara are you o-" she didn't let me finish

"My long lost bestie has a party tomorrow that we should be precise at and instead we are in the freaking England, lost, in someone else's car and with a psycho assassin following us. So yeah i am not okay" wow, she was literally fuming with anger. I didn't realize things were so bad now. It seemed we were in Cat's office just yesterday. Kara placed her hand on her mouth suddenly realizing what she just did her eyes wide, crinkle showing at her beautiful forehead "oh my Rao, im so sorry Lena, i-i didn't mean to let it out on you" aw she's sweet and so innocent

"No Kara. You should let all of the things that bother you" i smiled "and I'm happy you trust me enough to let it out on me" Kara smiled brightly and went to hug me, but then in mid-way changed her mind and turned back awkwardly, adjusting her glasses.

"Erm, thank you. It means a lot" she said "hmm so let's see, first we need to find someone and ask them where we are. Then we call Jess to get your plane and go to Diego's Gala before he killed us" i laughed

"Sounds like a plan" and then we hit the road

"What do you mean someone ruined my damn jet jess?!" We were in Chrimstown outside the London, maybe 16 kilometers away. The ride was awkward and complete in silence, but both of us enjoyed it. It was like awkward but comfortable silence. We are now in London calling my secretary just to know that my private jet was the part of vandalism thank you very much

"Miss Luthor, i'm so sorry, then i went to check if the driver was available, the service told me that the jet was ruined, completely not working, someone broke into airport and just destroyed it. Police only found blue cap with pelicans Logo. Should have been some drunk guy angry at the game" uggghhh, unbelievable! Right next to me, Kara was pacing like a crazy.

"Okay Jess, not your fault, I'll think of something" and i ended up the call. I turned to Kara with worried face

"Hey Kar! What's wrong?" She looked up

"I-i... i mean we can go to the Party sooner if i will fly us out" she seemed confident about it. But i was not. First the freaking chip was still in, her second she was beaten up like a trash can, third even if i removed the chip, she would get hurt flying so soon! "I meant we can't miss it! It's Diego. And also i need some advi- adventures to tell him! Yep adventures, ours, right in here" she laughed nervously pointing her fingers everywhere. She acted strange

"What about the chip? I doubt Corey will let us go to hospital, his guys are everywhere in London, and I don't have scissors or knife or meds or bandages" She sighed and took of her glasses

"That's what I thought" Kara signaled me to move back, when i did, she turned to me, looked around and said "it still works, maybe a couple of seconds but hey! Still!" I didnt know what she was talking about until her laser vision beamed and she cut her skin where the chip was supposed to be. The sight was terrifying, seeing Kara scream in pain, bleeding through her neck. But she took out the Chip successfully.

"The hell Kara?!" She threw the chip away and grabbed me bridal style.

"Hehe, I'll be okay" She smiled "now let's get to National city and then search in DEO base about Corey, Cuz i wanna throw him into Sun" me too, i wanted to throw him into black hole. Kara flew me in bridal style, my head on her shoulders, her hands on my waist, i could feel myself blushing. I could feel her biceps through the jacket. Oh god her abs. Lena Luthor, are you daydreaming? stop it! Get some help!

Kara's POV

Ah what should i do? I'm flying her bridal style, in the past it didn't matter, but now i can feel her in my arms, safe and sound, i know that i wont loose balance, i know I won't let her get hurt. She's like my reason to fly now, because believe me, that chip hurt like hell, but I'm still holding her, even tho i pleaded myself to get away until I'll talk to Sarah, or Alex, or Maggie wait no Maggie, she will give dirty vibes, Not Diego either, he cannot understand the feeling when you are in lo- i mean when you have feelings to your best friend. Ahem *cough* *cough*
I suck.

Third POV:

And with these idiotic, messed up, craving thoughts, our lovers, heroes and stupid best friends who were hopelessly falling for each other came to National City.

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