Chapter twenty three

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Lena and Kara walked to their car hand in hands. Danvers looked back at the amusement park, tilting her head, she then sighed

"I don't want this to be over..." she muttered. Lena looked at her, her eyebrows got up and her eyes narrowed, she gave Kara a little smirk

"Who said its over?" Kara looked at her eyes wide, she then looked at Car and then back at Lena

"Where are we going Ms. Luthor?" Kara chuckled

"Oh you're going blindfolded" Lena smirked. She shoved Kara into Car and took another cloth from her bag. Kara sighed

"Noooo! How many of those do you have?" She pouted.

"Enough" Lena laughed and sat in the driver's seat, she looked at Kara in passengers one, and gave her a smile even though Kara couldn't see it. Then pushed the gas pedal and went through the beautiful city.
They were outside the London, Kara could guess, because she couldn't hear laughing and walking people anymore, and car honking was heard less too. Finally after some car-aoke singing (Kara insisted and she should admit Lena had beautiful BEAUTIFUL voice) they stopped.
Lena got out of the car and opened the door for Danvers, then helped her come out.
"Here give me your hand" Lena said sweetly. Kara gave her hand and came out from the car, then removed the cloth from her face and blinked when she saw lights flashing on her. Danvers looked in front of her, and she saw people in fluffy coats and colorful scarves, they were wearing black shoes and stood on beautiful white ice.

"Ice skating?" Kara exclaimed happily. Her eyes widened, she took Lena by arm and made way to changing area. Lena chuckled at the blonde's expression, they sat on the bench and put the skating black shoes. When they finished Kara grabbed Lena's hand and made her way to the ice. When they got to the entrance Kara stopped, as if remembered something, she sighed and shook her head, letting Lena's hand go "I should warn you, I don't know how to ice skate" Luthor looked at Kara lovingly, she took placed her hand in hers

"I'll teach you" she smiled. Then showed Kara into the ice. Blue eyed alien stumbled and fell on the ground, then got up with her legs shaking. Lena laughed and helped her. She danced on the ice like she lived on it for her whole life, Kara looked at her in awe

"How do you know how to ice skate?"

"Well, according to fact that my mother made me learn it as well as painting, swimming, fencing and playing chess, I ice skated nearly my whole life" Lena smirked
Kara's mouth was hanging open.

"You skate beautifully" She got up and stumbled, ready to fall, but Luthor caught her in time. Kara got red and looked down "...thanks...sorry" Lena took her hand and helped her stand normally, then they danced, and laughed mostly at Kara's falling, Danvers looked at Lena in amazement, some of the times she "fell" on purpose so Lena could catch her.
After they finished skating, Lena grabbed Kara's arm and they made way to their car

"What are you-" But Luthor interrupted her

"Shhh. Trust me" Lena opened the door and shoved Kara inside.

"Where are we going?" Kara narrowed her eyes

"The place that you will love" The former CEO smirked. She hit the brakes and went on clear pavement. After some time Lena drove off the path and went in some forest, Kara looked around confused, not sure where they were going. Finally Lena stopped the car and got out, she made her way to the back and opened the trunk, Kara saw blankets, picnic basket and a telescope in it. Danvers took time to absorb the view in front of them, they were on the edge of some cliff, in front of that there was grass and flowers which reflected beautifully in the night, behind them was deep forest with tall trees and mystical appearance, the sky was clear, no clouds not anything, just stars. Lena took the blankets and gave Kara the basket, she got on top of the pickup car and gently placed them, she signaled for Kara to do the same. Then she took out telescope and placed it right next to them.
Luthor sat on top of the pickup car and tapped the place covered in blankets next to her, Danvers smiled and sat there, she opened the basket and saw potstickers in it. Kara laughed and looked at Lena

"You know me too much" She muttered. Lena looked at the stars, then at Kara

"Do you mind telling me about Krypton?"
She said softly. Kara stiffened, she didn't expect that kind of question "if you don't it's cool-" But Danvers waved her hands

"No no, it's not that it's just, no one really knows my identity and they think I'm an earthling, so talking about krypton with someone who isn't Alex or Clark seems weird" Kara laughed, her eyes seemed sad "but I will be happy to tell you about it" Danvers sighed, her mind racing through memories, "well, I'll start with that that Krypton is" she stopped, her eyes saddening, Lena snuggled closer to her and patted her arm "was...planet, 27 light years from earth, it's parent star is Rao. Wait let me show you" she pointed at the little star in north, "it should have been somewhere near that star... the society was divided in houses" Kara smiled "mine was house of El, some strange fact about it is that we didnt have birds there, so imagine my amazement when It was my first years on earth and A bird stole my bread" Kryptonian laughed, Lena smiled along "I loved exploring everything, so me and my aunt astra looked at the stars and had really big fun, OH and I got this scar on krypton" She pointed at the cut near her eyebrow "one time I fell and my clumsy self landed on table. We have red star there instead of yellow so we didnt have any powers" Kara scratched her head "also people didn't have sexual intercourse anymore" At that Lena picked her head up

"What?! Then where did babies came from" she furrowed her brows

"Artificially, by gathering gametes of a couple into matrix chamber" Lena nodded in amazement. And they went on talking about Kara's birth planet. Lena snuggled closer to her, and hugged her, while Kara explained their advanced technologies
Kryptonian and Luthor laid on the top of the car, silently. All the food was eaten without any surprise. They layed and enjoyed the view, Kara looked at Lena lovingly.

"planning all this stuff should have taken all day" Kara started "You shouldn't have done that because of me Lee" Luthor silently took Karas hand in hers, without breaking eye contact

"Oh no... I did" Lena said softly "you're the best thing that could ever happen to me Kara" Kryptonian blushed, her cheeks turned crimson red. They looked at each other for a while, then started to move closer, faces already inches apart from each other, Lena's mind started panicking And Reporter looked at her lips then at her beautiful green eyes. They were ready to close a remaining gap when Kara's phone buzzed. Kara cursed silently and shut her eyes, Luthor turned away, blushing.
Kryptonian took out her phone shaking, when she saw the caller Id she sighed and  tapped the accept button

"What do you want Winn?" Kara hissed
"It's five in the morning"

"Oh I'm sorry! But Can you tell me why some guy with eye patch attacked DEO and destroyed half of it?!"

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