Chapter twenty

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Nobody's POV:

"You did what?" Wide eyed Danvers yelled out in a surprise, as crying Diego Doss went in her apartment.
Diego stopped as he saw former CEO on the couch, with casual cozy clothes on and many pizza boxes around her

"Am i- am I interrupting something?" He asked confusingly.

"Y- WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CHEATED ON YOUR WIFE" Kara angrily closed the door. Diego sat on the couch beside wide eyed Lena, and protectively turned to face her

"I said I think that I cheated on my wife"

"You think?!"

"I don't know okay? I don't know"

"You better start explaining before I melt your face" Diego sighed

"Today I was casually sitting in my office when some lady went in the room and yelled at me that I was a cheating little bastard and she was breaking the thing between us...the thing is... I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THAT LADY IS"

Kara and Lena blinked, not really ready for this

"Uh-? Diego, you scared me there! She is one of those evil ladies who are trying to ruin a rich mans career and relationsh-" Kara started but he interrupted her

"No you don't understand... I think I really did cheat on her"

"I'm not following up" Lena said. Diego sighed

"It started nearly 6 weeks ago... When my bank called and they said that my new credit card was ready...which was weird cuz, I don't remember calling them to make a new one. When I got there, they said I actually came there and said that I need new card cause someone found my old"

"Maybe you just overworked and-" Lena started

"That's what I thought! But then it became weirder! Some people that I don't know keep talking to me like I know them! I hired some new people and don't remember when exactly... I buy new things and I dont even notice like I literally brought a building in some state! And then at the gala... my concurrent company CEO came and said he waited for the contract excited. I hate that company there is no way I could suggest a contract!"

Danvers shook her head

"But you still wouldn't have cheated" Diego looked at her desperately

"Really? Wouldn't it? Because I don't know what to believe anymore! This lady has pictures of me and her together! I don't remember any of them! Any!" He shook his head nervously

Danvers and Luthor exchanged worried glances.

"We will work this out.. I promise" Supergirl tried to calm Diego down as he
started sobbing
Kara sighed, and knocked on the door. After she heard a little voice saying "come in" she shook her head and went into the cabinet. There at the desk, sat familiar brown haired boy, looking at the papers. After he heard the door unlock Diego looked up

"Heyyy! How is my favorite Danvers?"

Kara smiled "Hey you seem...cheery today" she messed with her hands

Diego laughed "why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know.. because of our talk yesterday?" Kara tilted her head

"What talk?" He asked

"That talk... we had yesterday... about bank accounts and...?" Kara started to worry

"Yesterday we didnt talk?" Diego asked confusingly.

Kara's eyes went wide. She got up from the chair, nearly knocking it over.

"I-... Did I say yesterday?" She laughed nervously "oh silly me! I meant day before yesterday! You know I have many duties and I cannot remember the day..haha" kara fidgeted with her hands "anyway I need to go... Some emergency came up. Bye Diego" and she walked out from the room, leaving Confused Diego at the desk waving "bye?"
A few days passed since Diego's little incident. All this time Little Danvers worked on Diego's weird case. She called his company, bank, some of the people she thought could help, but no luck. She didn't sleep at night, she worried about her friend and her friends health. In this mess, Lena still didn't leave her side, when Kara overworked and didn't even eat (which was quite scary, if we think of relationship between Kara and food) Luthor brought her food at home, sometimes she was the one telling Kara to sleep. It was funny scenario actually, deep irony... cause It was always Kara who reminded Lena to sleep and eat, it was always Kara who saw her at her worst, it was Kara who worried the crap out of her. Now it was all opposite.

"Kara... I know you want to know truth.. so Do I! But you really should go to sleep! And eat! You haven't eaten since yesterday and it scares me" on the fourth day Lena visited Kara at loft. Just to find Danvers sitting on a messy couch with all papers on the ground. Kara was in the same clothes she wore yesterday, and day before that, and day before that too. Her hair in messy bun, and her glasses on the edge of the nose. She fidgeted with pencil and looked at the papers. When Lena spoke, she looked up tired.

"I know... it's just I have to help him" her eyes seemed tired and sad. She looked at the papers desperately. Lena couldn't take it anymore. Watching Kara in the same state every day, not a slight smile scared her, she was always the positive one, as if she always brought the good, cheery mood with her. She wasn't the Kara she knew at that exact same moment. That made Luthor sad... and angry. She shook her head and looked at the kryptonian, some thought racing in her mind.

"Get up" she stated. Kara snapped her head in her direction, and stared at her confusedly

"I should fin-"

"I said get the hell up Kara" Lena interrupted her. In her voice you could have seen the rage that has been boiling since the day one. Startled by Luthors firm face and statement, Kara knew she had no chance of getting out of this conversation. She sighed and got up

"Change your clothes"

"Where are we-"

Lena interrupted her again with fake rage in her voice. Her right lip side moved up slight

"To clear your stupidly beautiful head and make you eat"

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