Chapter twenty nine

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After the scene on the rooftop, Henry Doss and Corey were arrested and put into jail, probably for a really long time. Kara was unconscious, in the DEO van, worried Luthor sitting beside her, worrying the freak out. Lena couldn't think rationally, she just looked at Kara and prayed to god, lord, Rao... she didn't care as long as Danvers was safe.
Finally after what seemed to be an hour ride, they got to the facility, and got the Kryptonite bullets put of supers chest. While doctors did that, Luthor freaked out in hallway at that time, finally gathering thoughts and thinking

"I guess people do stupid things when they are in love" Luthor shook her head,
Tears in her eyes... not wanting to believe it. There had to be some kind of misunderstanding or a mistake, there was no way Kara felt the same. Just as she thought and cried, supers operation ended successfully, making Lena sigh from relief, and they put Danvers under sun lamps, to recover. On First day of Kara being unconscious, Lena didn't leave, she refused. Instead she stayed by her bed, not having enough guts to question the last of Kara's words before she passed out. On the second day, she brought potstickers, knowing well unconscious woman couldn't eat it, but it just brought some kind of calmness to her. How much Winn didn't beg her she didn't go home, if we don't count the time she showered and changed clothes, minus that, Lena didn't move an inch. On the third day, Luthor still refused to leave, not until Danvers got better. She just sat by her bed, looking at her, when she was without blood... when they brought Kara three days ago, she was covered in dust and blood, the red substance all over her stomach, but even then she looked like a goddess. But now she was much cleaner and much peaceful than before, making her even more beautiful.
"I guess people do stupid things when they are in love" Lena played the line at least hundred times in her head that day
"When they are in love" again "in love"
And again... it seemed so strange hearing those words from a person you want to hear it from, but think they don't ever will actually say it. This had to be wrong... she wasn't supposed to say that... was she? Lena furrowed her eyebrows. Probably it was because of loss of many blood... Luthor convinced herself, yeah probably because of delusions...

After some time Kara got a lot better, she didn't wake up yet, but she was getting close to it.

They finally did it, they finished the case,
The more Lena thought about Kara's last words, the more she doubted it, the more she doubted herself for being good enough for her. I don't deserve her Lena thought I cause her so much trouble, so much pain she shouldn't feel...I shouldn't have agreed to that stupid case, if not that, She wouldn't lay here, helpless. She still didn't want to embrace her feelings for the blonde. So that's why, when Winn told her that Kara would wake up at any hour that day, Lena got up, looked at Kara and went to the door, after she stepped one leg outside, she turned around and looked at Super one more time

this is for the best - she thought

Kara lifted her eyelids, Suddenly light crashing into her face. She blinked and looked around, She could see that she was in DEO, Laying on the bed. Kara tried to stand up, but suddenly yelped because of sharp pain in her lower stomach. Hearing sounds and seeing his friend woken up, Winn hurried in the room, Helping Super lay down again

"Easy there cowgirl" He exclaimed "You still need some energy despite the lamps"
He laughed, then he turned into serious mode "you gave me a quite scare" he narrowed his eyes, and smacked super on her head

"Ow!" Kara pouted

"What were you thinking dumbass"
Winn smacked her again

"Ouch! What was that for?" Kara massaged the bruised part

"Probably from Alex" Winn answered, shaking his head. Director of DEO didn't even know about the fact that Corey broke into the facility and destroyed half of it, little did she know about Kara's and Lena's little adventure. Plus As he heard Danvers ruined her favorite shirt. Yeah, the Director wouldnt be exactly happy.
Super looked around the room, her eyes desperately searching for something, then she found plate full of potstickers on the nearest end table. She smiled and looked at Winn

"Where's Lena?" She took one potsticker, shoving it into her mouth

"She didn't leave past three days" at Blondes confused reaction Winn went on "yeah, your dumb ass was unconscious for three days, after all you've been shot 3 times in only a week! She was here before you woke up, but after I told her you would wake up soon, she just left"

Kara stopped in eating midair, "When we will finish it, we go on different paths and don't see each other. Understood?" She remembered Lena's words on the first day of investigation. There was no way Lena would-... Kara sighed

"Oh my Rao! Are you kidding me!"
This was for the best, Lena reassured herself as she looked at National city through plane's panels. She sighed and sat down, taking a sip of whiskey, completely ignoring the fact that it was in the middle of the day...
Its for the best Luthor, she doesn't need you she sipped the drink as she thought.
Lena Luthor as promised packed the bags after the case ended, and was on her way to metropolis, where she thought she belonged in. This is for the best, she said again, reassuring herself. And she would probably continue calming herself for the rest of the ride, if her private jet didn't suddenly make weird noises. Lena shot up from her seat, but then quickly fell back because of the strange moves it was making. Turbulence? She thought at first. But then she opened the plane panel and saw that jet was landing cautiously on the ground, Lena shut her eyes, mentally calming herself. And after the plane landed fully and safely, The steel door broke into pieces, and fuming blonde with supers suit rushed inside it. Kara Danvers stood in font of Lena Luthor, her anger visible. As she rushed inside she yelled

"ARE YOU A HYPOCRITE?" The CEO yelped, not waiting for the blonde to show up
"NO, Answer me Luthor! Are you a total hypocrite?" Kara yelled, she started to move close to Lena "How dare you leave me so suddenly" she moved closer, her finger pointed at Lena's chest "how dare you not wait for me to wake up to see you again and cuddle?" Danverss eyes filled with tears "how dare you to think you would get away this easily" Lena opened her mouth to speak, but angry blonde rushed to her side and connected their lips together, kissing her senseless. Luthors eyes went wide at the touch, she looked at Kara's closed, teary eyes, and relaxed herself, she touched Supers chin and kissed the reporter back.

 then suddenly Kara's phone buzzed, but without breaking the touch, super took out her phone, and threw it away "not today Winn" she muttered 

After the long sweet kiss, Kara stopped, her eyes still closed, Lena sighed at the loss of the warmth, And put her forehead on hers. Danvers muttered
"How dare you leave my confession unanswered?" Lena smiled, looking into supers ocean blue eyes, the one where she fell the first time, knowing pretty well that she would be stuck in those orbs forever.

"I-I love you too you dumbass" And she went into kiss

A/N - so what do you think of this story?? did you like it? hate it? anyway... thanks for reading this very  very much! oh and bonus chapter, you could call it epilogue will come out soon!

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