Chapter twenty seven

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"You wanted to set Diego up, and take his place, in life, in company, in everything" Lena started "you wanted his you had everything planned, every little detail, you would kill Diego snd take his place" Lena stopped and looked at Alyssa
"But she showed up, Diego helped her and gave her an apartment, Ms. Blake was a reporter, a really good one, she found out about you and your plans, so she blackmailed you. Every month, you sent her money, from Diego's account, and as we know how big dork he is, he isn't checking bank accounts, but his secretary, you made secretary work on you, so the truth would never be told, but Alyssa's wishes became bigger, so you had to get rid of her, you could not kill her because that would ruin the plan, so you made up the fiji story, and kidnapped her.
Everything was in the place again" Lena stopped taking a deep breath "but then we showed up in that store. At first you thought we were just people, so you told us you were Diego's cousin, but then turned out, Kara has been his best friend since school, so it was matter of time she remembered that Diego didn't had any cousins, you were afraid so you hired an assassin to kill us" Lena pointed at Corey "if that wasn't enough, Diego started to notice things, and he told Kara, then you panicked and thank goodness we went to trip the next day, after you heard that, you made Corey attack DEO to take files of Diego without noticing, so he took Alyssas files too, so we would think Alyssa was the main problem here. You knew who was Kara and about DEO's existence because sometimes you talked to us with Diego's face, you are the alien after all. But We put 2 and 2 together and figured all of this out. Diego went in jail and you stuck again, not knowing what do to anymore" Luthor finished telling, this whole time Henry didn't move, he stood still and looked at Danvers and Luthor furiously

"Do you know why I did it?" He clenched his fists. This time Kara spoke up

"We didnt know for sure, but then we checked the building and found that file, your file" Kara snarled "you are brother of his, Diego never knew his real parents, nor did he know he had a brother, thats why you look so much like him. At birth you were separated, because one was an alien, nobody wanted you so no one adopted you. And Diego? He got adopted.
So we think you had some kind-" but Henry screamed and interrupted Kara

"I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE WHO WAS ADOPTED!" He snarked "he got a family, money, a company and a wife! what did I get? Hate and punching, my whole life I got hate and ate things from dumpster, our parents got rid of us, and Because I was alien thanks to mother, the shelter got rid of me! I ate food from dumpster. And I hated him for getting the life, I should have been the one who got it"
Henry breathed deeply. He looked like an animal in cage. Kara, Lena and Alyssa's eyes widened in fear. None of them was expecting for him to go off like a bomb

"There is still time to change Henry" Kara started, cautiously, "there is still time to change this" She said quietly "you had an awful childhood, but that doesn't mean you have to suffer now too, lets us go, there is still time to make everything right"
Lena looked at Kara amazed, even at this kind of moments, super had prepared her speech of hope, that's what she loved about Kara, she thought that everything was good and kind, and that everything had hope. Henry seemed to listen to Kara in split second, but then he shook his head and laughed like a maniac
"No, it's too Late, Supergirl, you can't stop the bomb which timer has started ticking
From the birth"

"No it's not-" Kara didn't give up. Henry still interrupted her and turned to Corey

"Kill them" then he went out the room, and closed the door with a thud. Corey made way to girls, his creepy smile pointed at them. He took out the knife from his pocket

"Which one should I kill first?" He started
"Eeny" he pointed at Lena "Meeny" At Kara "miny" at Alyssa and then back at Lena "moe" he made way to Luthor with his knife in hands

Kara screamed "No!" And then suddenly
Wall broke and the blinding light went into the room, Corey froze in place. Parts of the wall made all of them lay on the ground, scratching their skins. Kara looked up only to see familiar green martian floating around them. Kara sighed and shook her head, her body was shaking

"Took you long enough" She exclaimed.
J'onn helped her stand up.

"Sorry, agent Schott vomited in the way"
He said. Winn stood in the corner, helping Alyssa, his face was green, he then looked at the martian

"Well, it's hard not to, when you are in the hands of an Alien and fly 3 states away in that position" He looked around "where is Lena?"

Lena was taken by Corey when everything was blurry, all she saw was when that man snake grabbed her by arm and took her somewhere, in the way, they met Henry, after some blurry minutes, she found herself on the roof of the building,
Corey was standing next to her, knife in his hands, Henry was next to him and he looked down the building furiously. Lena could hear sound of DEO agents, down. Luthor laughed. Suddenly Corey let her go and ran to the door, running down

"Where are you going!? Come back now"

"Here is your end Henry" she chuckled.
"You can't hide now" Lena growled "Your hired assassin left you, where will you run now?" Henry looked at her eyes full of horror. "Its Dead end"

"No! If I'm going down, You are going down with me" Henry took out something silver from his coat "I should have killed you when I had the chance" Lena gulped,
It was her end, undoubtedly, but she wasn't afraid, as she knew Kara was safe.
That's all that mattered. She closed her eyes, and waited.

Kara's eyes went wide, and she stood up furiously, searching the room, Lena wasn't there, so wasn't Corey. She looked at J'onn

"Take Alyssa to safe place" And before anyone would call her She furiously ran to the door, breaking it in half, she went down the stairs and searched every room, then stopped taking a deep breath and listened to her heartbeat, yes, she knew Lena's heartbeat by heart, her whole body was shaken, and Danvers tried really hard to keep it still, and then she heard the sound of the heartbeat

Ba-dump, she ran in the direction of stairs

Ba-dump, she ran upstairs

Ba-dump, she ran in the direction of her heartbeat. The fact that Lena was alive yet made her body loosen up a little, why did they end up in these kind of situations all the time? She didn't know. 

Finally she found the white door, which took her up the roof, Lena's heartbeat was fastening, it was quiet, but fast. Kara broke the white door, and light flashed through her eyes.

They heard the sound of trigger

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