Chapter twenty one

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"Lee where are we going?" Kara asked for the millionth time

"I told you. To clear your head" Lena answered

After Kara changed, Luthor made hear wear the eye mask so she could not see where they were going. Knowing pretty well that Kara was stubborn, and would definitely use her super vision, Lena made that mask specially for Kara, it was outlined with Lead. And she was right, Kryptonian tried to use her vision for thousands of times.

"I can feel that we are in the plane" Kara stated, not knowing where Lena was sitting, so she looked at the wrong direction

"Yeah we are on a plane but you have to wait to see... stubborn child kryptonian"
Lena laughed

"Hey! I'm not a child! I'm grown up woman" Kara fired

"Mhmm, are you still crying over animated movies? Are you not getting excited at the job and start singing randomly and dancing? Did you throw out your posters of snoopy from your house? Or did you get rid of comics in your drawer?" Lena fired back

"I-I-" Little Danvers stuttered

"Thats what I thought" Amused Luthor returned to crossword
Luthors private jet landed safely.

Lena helped Kara to get up showed her to the door. as Kara thought she was finally getting rid of the mask Lena slapped her hand from touching it.

"No yet cowgirl" She firmly stated

"But...But I thought we landed?"

"Oh we did but, now we have to use a car, I'm afraid no ones gonna be happy if we came with big ass plane and crushed people" Lena smirked. Kara could feel her smirk, she could feel Lena's enjoyment over her, she could feel Lena teasing and smirking and chuckling in the secret. She loved that side of Lena, so she went along and quietly murmured

"You are gonna be the end of me" Lena snapped her head fast enough to hear a crack

"What- what was that?" Kara suddenly turned red not knowing how to get away

"I-What? What was what?" She pretended dumb... nice one Danvers! Queen of saving the moments Ms. I flew here on a bus

Lena smirked but let it go. She could feel herself getting redder too. They finally made their way to a car and Luthor showed Danvers inside the passenger seat. Then she got in the drivers seat. She checked if Kara was sitting comfortably and then pushed the gas pedal.

On the way in the car to mysterious destination was silent. But then again, it was comfortable silence, Only thing they could hear was other cars honking and people murmuring. It looked like they were in a city. Most of the time neither of them spoke up, instead they enjoyed each others presence. Lena stole quick glances at Kara, admiring her clothes, her sitting posture, her stubbornness, her neck... wait her neck?! Get a grip Luthor, she's your best friend. Lena became redder and redder every minute.

Then finally the car stopped and she heavily sighed, Luthor got out of the car and opened the door for Kara. Excitedly Little Danvers jumped

"So now I can git rid of this ridiculous mask?" She asked

"Yeah yeah yo-" but she never ket her finished her sentence as Kara ripped off the mask and dropped it on gray pavement. "Hey! It costed 2 thousand dollars and one whole day to make this"

"I know your beautiful brain will make it again if needed" Kara laughed. She looked around her, trying to identify the place where they came. Soon she found herself smiling and opening her mouth

"I- no way" She exclaimed excitedly

"Yes way" Lena smirked, clearly amused by Kara's change in mood

They were in the amusement park, it was a chilly night, people were laughing, eating, having fun, they shot to get prizes, some of them sitting on beautiful benches. The place was magical! It was the one you saw in the movies. Like gray pavement with surrounded by little lights, people murmuring around, snickering laughing and dancing. It was cold so they wore scarves around the big fluffy coats. What made Kara the most interested was the tall building in nearly the center of the square, it was big, and round, people got up there and looked at the sights of the big city. The building seemed familiar, Kara melted when she saw it, happy memories crashed into her mind, and she smiled unconsciously, Lena looked at her, finally! After 4 days of smug and worried face... Kara was actually, genuinely smiling. As if that square and place let her forgot all about their problems. The building was none other than the famous London eye.

"Of all the other places, you choose London! The city we nearly died in as I remember" Kara laughed and glanced at Young CEO

"Hey! Technically it wasn't London we nearly died in, it was outside the city! And we got kidnapped in london" Lena stated looking around her "but this place is beautiful, we had very much fun last time we were here" she looked directly at the eye

"Yeah, I still remember terror on your face when the we stuck at top of the eye" Danvers laughed and closed her eyes ready to get smacked for it in the head

"I-I wasn't afraid!" Lena exclaimed

Kara turned to her, and tried very hard to keep serious face

"What if we don't get down??! What if we will be stuck in this capsule?" She grimaced, copying Lena's words from that day

"I didn't say that!!" Lena playfully smacked her on the arm

"Of please help me! Im stuck in this capsule! Somebody help me! I'm not gonna make it" Kara dramatically put her hand on her forehead, and laid on Lena's arms "oh please Kara! Help me!"

"Okay now you are exaggerating" Lena laughed, feeling a little heavy on the shoulders because of a super in her arms. Danvers realized that and got up fast. Her face red and eyes sparkling. Then she pumped her fist in the air

"What?" Luthor asked still laughing

"I made you laugh" she pumped her fist again. Lena sighed, Her joyful, cheery Kara was back, maybe just for a night, but even that was enough for her.

"Dork" she smirked and pushed the named super into the amusement park

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