Chapter fifteen

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Third POV:

Kara and Lena went out of the black car, it was just before the gala, no one was here yet, except them, Diego, Sarah and her belly. When Diego saw them and ran with Naruto style.

So let's just say. Their talk with Diego didn't went exactly calm as they thought.

Some time later people began to come, and after one hour, the whole house was full with elegant people drinking champagne, chitchating, eating cakes and congratulating Diego for improving Aqua-Technologies, some people were signing life changing contracts, some people were appreciating the house, some of them were blowing red from envy. But of course not our two little heroes, Lena Luthor liked the galas, she always had them for L-Corp, she would drink champagne and talk to some businessmen, although she was bored all the time, ah, but not today, because the world's famous girl, and the clumsiest person alive (who managed to spill drink all over guests and accidentally blew the TV up) was with her, and in that smart mind Lena thought 'She is breathtaking'. Even thought Luthor knew that particular Danvers kissed her because of the need and not from the heart, but deep inside in her mind she still believed that it was otherwise. Right now Lena watched how Kara stuffed at least 20 potstickers in her mouth, smiling widely and her eyes beaming like stars. God she liked that girl, but admitting that was very very big difficulty for her, so let's keep it secret for now would you? Luthor will find out about her feelings soon...i hope...fingers crossed

"Lee!" Suddenly Kara whipped her head facing her making Lena to come out from staring at her "so, Diego really nearly killed us huh?" They laughed

"Yeah, it was magic he let us go. Thanks to Sarah" Kara narrowed her eyes and smiled "he can be little...firey" Danvers looked up at her, eyes wide.

"Oh so firey is now a word, and when we were playing scramble it wasn't a real word?" Luthor smiled at her dork

"No firey is not a real word Kara"

"Then why did you just said it?"

"I did? No I did not"

"Yes yes you did!" They would probably fight for the whole night if Sarah didn't came

"Hey hey! You two" Sarah Allen-Doss was wearing red fluffy dress, her belly was little yet, but it still showed. "You two were lucky i came on the time. Diego was fuming with anger" she looked at them curiously "where have you been anyway? He was so worried" Kara laughed awkwardly

"Yeah, we got into some little problem in London" she looked at Lena and they both smiled. "Anyway. How do you put up with that kind of psycho in your house?"

Sarah laughed wickedly "Kara you remember how much I love him, plus after everything that we've been through I can't divorce him just because he is little firey" Danvers whipped her head to Lena in a second, they even heard a crack, with questioning look on her face. Luthor bit her lip and sighed

"Firey is not a word!"
"Lena Kieran Luthor" Kara held a hand
"Would you do the honors and dance with me?" They were at the food section, Lena looking at the dance floor curiously, seeing only old people dance with their spouses, the young ones preferred looking at the house and drinking. Senior citizens looked happy, they looked at their wives or husbands with face full fo love. Lena envied that kind of feeling. After all she never been looked like that. Or so she thought. Luthor looked down at Kara's hand, her heart beating rapidly. "Of course we can not dance if you don't want just looked like you wanted to dance too and I-" Lena laughed Making Kara's rambling stop

"I would love too, but I don't dance" Kara furrowed her brows showing her crinkle

"Nonsense. Come" She took her hand "Dance with me" Lena shook her head "no no, come and dance with me" and finally a Luthor and a super went on the dance floor, in the middle of old couples, dancing slow, without even realizing it, they looked at each other exactly the same how old couples did.

After the gala they went back to the Kara's apartment, Kara insisted that Lena should stay the night, they could work on the case. But secretly Kara just wanted to be alone with little CEO. They weren't in their dresses, cause ya know, they are too formal and uncomfortable. So Kara looked up in her closet and found her forest green shirt with Aliens logo, and black sweatpants. Oh and Lena actually wore it. Kara on the other hand
"Are you sure you are comfortable with unicorn pyjama on you?" Lena laughed, not able to hold it anymore. Little Danvers wore one piece unicorn jumpsuit and fluffy paw sneakers

"Hey! These are my favorite clothes" she laughed and stuffed big pizza piece in her mouth. Then suddenly, realizing something she looked at the Luthor devilishly. Lena furrowed her brows, not understanding. Kara resumed looking at her with devilish smirk, Luthor's eyes went wide

"Ah ah.. no no! Kara you are not gonna do that" But Danvers shook her head up and down "no no... you are not gonna do that" Lena stood up and going back with few steps. Kara jumped at her and tickled Luthor to death "no no no. haha! Yo-you know I-I hate tickling!"

"Oh yeah i know" and she continued to tickle her. Lena laughed like psychopath. After some time they stopped and went back to their places. Lena not over yet the tickling session took the pizzas left and ate all of them. Dumbfounded Kara watching her with her mouth shaped o "oh you didn't" Lena smirked

"Oh but i did" Kara clutched her chest in fake pain. The she smiled again, Lena already painfully knowing the meaning, and after some more tickling sessions, they started to watch movies.

In the middle of the film, Luthor looked up at Kara, biting her lip. Suddenly remembering something

"What did Sarah mean by 'after everything that we've been through'?" Kara furrowed her brows, then realizing what she said, she smiled

" you wanna hear their story?" Luthor scoffed

"I was just curious!"

"Okay, then i will tell you"

Kara smiled at her and signaled to sit comfortably, cause it seemed like a long story. She got up, brought some more pizza and drink for Lena. They sat down comfortably, and Kara started the talking

"It all started in the 6th grade...."

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