Chapter eleven

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Kara's POV

Hmm i smell vanilla, wait, huh? Why i smell vanilla? Then every memory of yesterday flashed in my mind, i was sleeping next to Lena! No.. no no there is no way im hugging her right now. And yet i opened my eyes only to see my chin on her head, my arms squeezing hers, while she sleeps peacefully. (Oh cmon we all know kara is a big spoon) but i like doing this, i like waking up next to her, what am i thinking? Jeez Kara i think its okay to think about ur best friend... is it? Uh. I slowly, cautiously get up, not wanting to wake Lena, slowly i get to the edge, but then i dont know is it because of i am staring at her, or because im flustered and confused, but i fell to the floor (if you get the reference i love you) quickly i get up and change into my clothes, not with full speed, i still have Kryptonite chip. Anyway i left Lena alone in the room and went outside.

Lena's POV

I know. I know it's bad thing to do, i know! But I couldn't help myself! She was warm, yeah okay, i woke up before Kara, i know i shouldn't have stayed like this, but it felt soo good, so warm and i was very comfortable. When Kara woke up, i was awake but pretended I wasn't, i could felt her confusion, her cautiousness, i also heard when she fell. Clumsy like always. I sighed and got up, Kara didn't do that on purpose.. i mean we were asleep, and she actually didnt like it that way, oh god Lena, what are you thinking? im gonna kill Michael for that! It's his fault we are in the same room with one single bed!

"Hey! Kara" she quickly turned around, i could see her flustered, blushing, nervously she fidgeted with her glasses

"Oh hey Lee! How did you slept?" Perfect, i liked your arms around mine and your chin on my head, your smell of strawberry, i need to wake up like that everyday

"Fine, it was fine" she nodded, then her face glowed little green, she stumbled and lost balance, her head spinning, i quickly helped her.

"Kara? Are you okay?" Then I remembered. That cursed idi**ic Kryptonite chip. "Get up, come on, I'll help you" and we went to our room. She sat on the bed "wait okay? I'll come back" and i went to Michael, he should have some meds? Finally i saw him in reception sleeping. Another time I wouldn't wake him up, but i really needed some meds for Kara, to make her feel little better.

"Michael!" The poor guy got up fast "im sorry to wake you... but do you have some-" i didn't have the opportunity to finish, because i heard the door crash, and guns shooting, Michael quickly held my arm and shooed me away. I hided behind the wall, he stood his place and didn't move. Then i heard voices, and some guys in black came in, with lots of guns.

"Ah! Guys! Why so soon? I swear i payed for this month" looks like he had a problem with them. But what made me freeze on one place was different thing, that guy. The guy who held me and Kara hostage, who kidnapped us. Corey stood there, with bandage on his left eye. Ah so Kara did shoot him in the eye. His creepy smile gone, he went to Michael and held him with his shirt.

"Listen little cooper, i am not here because of your brother problems, not yet, I'm here because two woman, one blonde, one brunette came here. I need them! And don't even try to tell me a lie" wait, how did he know we were here? Then suddenly the answer flashed me, of course, the chip. Michael seemed confused and scared, I wouldn't have blamed him if he told the truth, but no i heard the different answer

"Yes, they were here, but they left, 4 hours ago" Corey held him rougher and his fist was millimeters away from Michaels face "no please! I'm telling the truth! They left this place!" Corey let him go and told his goons

"Search this place, and shoot everything moving" Then they left to search, Michael came to me

"What did you do? Ah it doesn't matter, he's very evil guy, what matters is you need to get away! If they find you, yours and my life will be over" but Kara! Kara is. Still in the room! I can't leave her!

"But Kara! She's in the room" Michael sighed and gave me a note

"I knew you would say that, so as you see i have some serious problems with them, i built the secret door to make a grand escape when the time came, it connects every hotel room, with back exit, in the back i have my car, nothing too precious but you will manage yeah?" I couldn't believe my ears, why was this guy helping us? Why was he being so kind? "Oh don't act surprised Luthor" wait... "yeah i know who you are! Of course! I would never forget that woman's name who saved my wife and kids in metropolis from your evil brother!" Ah I remember, the woman with 2 poor kids! Lex was going to kill them because the woman was an alien "i would never forget that, so now it's my time to help you. please, i will be okay" i nodded

"Thank you so much" he handed me the keys and opened the small door behind the table

"Now fast!" I quickly went inside, searching for our room, finally i saw it, and went to open it, looks like the door is inside the closet, smart. I opened the door and saw Kara standing at the door, her hand on the knob.

"Kara!" She turned around and let out happy sigh

"Oh thank rao! I heard gunshots and panicked!"

"Come on they are searching for us! just come here, we should get away" she nodded her head and we went to closet. As we were going to close the closet door, hotel room's door flew open and Corey went inside. What should we do! If we open the door we are dead! He will hear us. We froze in place, our hearts shaking. And if that wasn't enough, i started to sneeze

Kara's POV

No no no! Lena! It's no time to sneeze! I panicked, if she sneezes we are dead! She is dead! Think Kara! Think! And thought crossed my mind. I should not do this, i really should not, but i have to. I turned to Lena and muttered "trust me" she seemed confused. Suddenly i held her head, her mouth inches away from mine, and as she was going to sneeze, I connected our lips together. Fireworks, i could only felt fireworks in my stomach, i thought Lena would get away, but she didn't, she quickly returned the kiss. As my heart was begging me not to stop, my brain yelled at me that it wasn't time for that. Eventually i let Lena go, she opened her eyes slowly, confused, looking at my lips. Wordless i looked at her back. Then we heard door close, Corey must have left. I opened the door held Lena's hand and went to the exit. There was a car, I suppose it was Michael's but Lena showed me the keys and went inside. I followed her. She was in the drivers seat, i was on her right, she quickly pressed the pedal and started the car. I watched as we were getting away from the hotel, still dumbfounded by what i did.

I kissed Lena Luthor
i kissed my best friend.
And i liked it.

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