Nerf Gun Battle

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A/N: I know, I disappeared, I'm sorry. Someone that just went on vacation got a bit too close and I decided to self-quarantine for the past few days (thankfully I am ok) and couldn't access my computer to post 😭. Anyways I will try and update this every Sunday since I am mostly working on my other book "Far From Home Fix-It". A huge thank you and shout out to @-PLAYDOH for suggesting a Nerf gun battle, it was a great idea and I hope I did it justice. If anyone has any other ideas please comment or message me!

Natasha was annoyed. It had been four weeks since the lock down began and it didn't look like it was going to let up anytime soon. She was fine with waiting, she had lots of experience waiting for the perfect opportunity to nail an assailant, to escape, or to retrieve information. But all those times she was waiting for something that she could do. There was nothing she could do here, nothing to wait for, only to count on people she didn't know to do a job she didn't trust them enough to do. And she could do nothing about it! That was the most infuriating part, she could do nothing except stay inside and wait.

One could only practice so many times, and it seemed like everyone in the tower had grown completely bored and restless, except for Stark and Banner. Stark locked himself in his lab and started mass producing medical equipment for free as well as donating a couple million to nearby hospitals and Banner locked himself in a different part of the lab trying to work out a vaccine or cure or something to help combat the virus. From the amount of times he had almost turned into the Hulk, it didn't look like it was going well. Peter was still annoyed and for the most part stayed in his room only coming out for the occasional late-night practice (Natasha was pretty sure he slept until at least 2 in the afternoon since his schoolwork for the week was all due on Friday). 

May on the other hand, after an intense discussion (argument) with Tony who didn't want her to leave the tower, resumed working at a nearby hospital after agreeing she would wear the 100+ safety/protection sensors and devices Tony provided and going through a nuclear fallout sanitation room. She thought it was a bit much, but agreed seeing how stressed he was. As far as anyone could tell Pepper was pretty much unbothered with the entire thing, and Steve spent the majority of his time writing lengthy thank you notes to everyone on the front lines. (A huge thank you to everyone working on the front lines!)

So, in conclusion, everyone was stressed and/or annoyed. Natasha glanced at her watch 3:30 on a Friday, so Peter was most likely up. She had a plan but to get everyone on board she knew Peter had to agree. His door was locked, typical. Did he really think that was going to stop the famed Black Widow though? She thought about kicking the door down (because that would be fun) but decided that kicking his door down might not be the best if he was to agree with her plan. Thankfully Tony had made the air vents in the tower huge, a fact that Clint was delighted to discovered and used all the time, and less than a minute later Natasha was above the vent in Peter's room. She effortlessly slipped out and onto the ground completely silent.

"Hi Peter."

Peter spun around and yelped. "How did you get in here? Oh the vent. Why are you in here?" He asked without stopping to breathe.

"Yes I got here through the vent. I came here to see that you were in fact bored and I wanted to know if you wanted to have a Nerf gun battle with the rest of the team." The widow replied calm and collected as ever.

"A Nerf gun battle with the Avengers, oh my god yes! This is the coolest thing ever! When do we start?"

"Half an hour, get changed, shower, whatever, and prepare for a massacre at 4."

"Ok, cool, thanks!" Peter replied to the spot where Natasha had just been only to find that she had already disappeared back up the vent. His ceiling wasn't that low, how on earth did she get up there?


"Yes Ms. Romanov?"

"Inform the team that we have a mandatory meeting in the living room in half an hour and that I will personally make sure everyone is there."

"Of course."

30 minutes later the team had assembled in the living room in various states of bored and annoyed and excited (that was only Peter). 

"Ok, I know everyone has been super busy and/or bored the past two weeks, however we still have to stay sharp for battle, so for the next few hours we will be having a Nerf gun battle. This is not optional. Everyone has five minutes to grab as much or as little as they would like from the assorted bins on the ground and to pick a position somewhere in this tower. All 90+ floors except for the sanitation rooms are fair game. No additional weaponry." Peter took of his webshooters, Steve put down his shield, and Tony sent his suit back to the garage. "Begin now."

There was a mad scramble for guns and ammunition before everyone ran off to take their positions.


"Yes Tony?"

"Where is everyone?"

"Apologies, Ms. Romanov has requested that I turn off all directions for the next two hours." FRIDAY did not sound sorry.

The Avengers were fierce when it came to competition and the next one and a half hours were filled with surprise attacks, sneaking around, and laying traps. Steve got Bruce out, Tony was taken out by Peter, and Natasha destroyed Steve. The only two left were the two spiders. 

"Hello." Loki popped up next to Peter who was on the ceiling of the the penthouse.

"Loki?! God of mischief? Omg this is so cool! I'm Peter Parker."

"Why are you on the ceiling?"

"Oh, the Avengers and I are doing a Nerf gun battle and Natasha and I are the only ones left."

"I see, I never liked Natasha. Do you want me to find out where she is for you?"

"That's ok, it wouldn't really be fair-" Loki disappeared to go find Natasha. Unbeknownst to Peter, Natasha was in the vents over the ceiling where Peter was, but because he was on the ceiling she couldn't get a good shot.

"Hello Ms. Romanov."

"Keep it down Loki, besides why are you holding a knife? Haven't you heard of the phrase don't bring a knife to a gun fight?" Natasha hissed, trying to keep her voice as quiet as possible.

It didn't work, Peter spun around at the noise, took aim, and hit Natasha in the shoulder with the foam bullet.

"Dammit Loki!" Natasha cursed, coming out of the vent.

"I would have beat you if this asshole didn't show up." she said as congratulations.

"Thanks Ms. Romanov!" Peter replied, unable to believe that he beat the Avengers in a Nerf gun battle.

FRIDAY'S voice came over the speaker "Avengers Nerf Gun Battle has ended with Peter Parker as the winner, congratulations."

Natasha blamed it on the spider sense. But if she couldn't win she'd rather it be a fellow spider who didn't brag about it for weeks unlike some people. 

1234 words

A/N: Yes, 1234 words, I didn't do that on purpose, but that's fun how it worked out like that.

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