Stark says Spidey stops swinging

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A/N: Thank you for reading and a special thanks to @SlytherclawPotato for reading, commenting, and voting on my stories!

"Hey Mr. Stark! Here's my report for today!" 

Tony could tell that Peter was eating something, probably a churro. He didn't understand why everybody bought Peter churros. Nobody bought Iron Man any churros...granted Iron Man was also a billionaire and could buy his own churros, but still.

"I got this cat out of a tree, I think it was trying to scratch me, but you never know, it could have been trying to give me a hug! And I helped this lady carry a bunch of toilet paper, like it was so much Mr. Stark! We couldn't even get all of it in her car and had to put some on the roof! Also there was this old Cuban guy who bought me a churro after helping him and his wife find the subway, which was nice."

So it was a churro, what was it with old people giving Peter churros, he wanted a churro!

"Oh, and apparently the World Health Organization issued pandemic today, which is kinda cool I guess. I mean I don't have to physically see Flash anymore, which is always a plus, since Midtown said all classes will be online with this new thing called Zoom until the pandemic and quarantine are over."

What, there was a pandemic issued!? Is that why Point Break left? A quarantine was issued? He didn't see that as too much of a problem since he spent so much time in his lab anyways, but still, why had no one told him?

"Sir, Ms. Potts is calling for the 12th time about an urgent nationwide lock down." JARVIS spoke up, breaking Tony away from his thoughts.

"So anyways, that's all for tonight, bye Mr. Stark!" Peter's voicemail ended.

Tony's brain was going a mile a minute.

"JARVIS, pull up all known information on this pandemic."

"Right away sir."

A few minutes later Tony had scanned over all known information and decided that the entire team needed to assemble, and stay inside. He whipped out his phone and called Peter.

Halfway across the city Peter's phone rang with an unknown number.

Huh. He thought, I might make a new friend.


"Hey Peter, I'm assembling the entire team at the Avengers tower to talk about this pandemic and what we are going to do, can you meet us there in 30 minutes?"

"Sure Mr. Stark! Oh my gosh! This is so exciting! I get to be a part of a real Avengers meeting! This is the best day of my life! Thank you so much! Ned is going to flip!"

That was all Tony heard before he hung up. Jeez, he loved the kid and all, but said kid would not shut up for anything!

One hour later it was decided that all Avengers would quarantine together in Avengers Tower, except for Clint who was going back to his own family, and Thor who decided to go off-world.

"Ok guys, see you when the pandemic is over!" Peter said, turning to leave.

"Peter!" Peter stopped and turned towards Mr. Stark, "What?"

"Kid, you're an Avenger too, even if you turned it down. You can stay here if you want."

"Mr. Stark I would love to but I can't leave Aunt May." Peter replied regretfully.

"She can come too, I'll tell Happy to pick up her and your things."

"Wow Mr. Stark! Thank you so much!"

"There is one more thing kid." Tony's voice turned sad, he knew how much this was going to hurt Peter.

"What?" Peter asked, oblivious to Tony's tone and looking as if he was on top of the world.

"You can't go out as Spider-Man anymore."

"What?!" Peter yelled, now looking as if Tony had crushed his entire world, which, in a way, he had.

"No Mr. Stark, please you can't do this!" Peter looked worse than when Tony took away his suit, now he wasn't even angry, just utterly heartbroken.

"I'm sorry Peter, but I can't risk you getting sick."

"But I haven't gotten sick from since I got bitten! Please Mr. Stark, you can't do this!"

"I'm sorry Peter, but I won't let you risk it."

"You can't do that! I'm leaving!" Peter yelled as he raced down the stairs towards the exit.

"JARVIS? Engage lock down protocol."

"Yes sir." The AI replied somberly.

The other Avengers just looked at each other. This was kinda getting awkward, should they just leave or....?

Peter came back up stairs, clearly annoyed and upset, and refused to look at anyone.

"Everyone's rooms are on the 90th floor and labelled." Tony called out for Peter's benefit as much as everyone else's.

Peter got on the elevator and no one followed him, not wanting to be around a moody teenager.

A few minutes later the rest of the team and May Parker, who had just arrived, boarded the elevator and headed to their rooms.

A/N: Sorry this chapter was kinda sad, but I wanted to do a realistic portrayal of the reactions of many teenagers across America (minus Spidey powers, but who knows? That could be more common than you think!)

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