Panic and Pressure

390 9 24

A/N: Happy New Year! Hopefully this year will be better than the last, make sure to mask up! 

"May just collapsed."

Immediately any thoughts of going anywhere but the compound were pushed to the back burner of Natasha's mind. The implications of that single sentence registered at once in her mind, and years of training for emergency situations came rushing back.

Turning in a sharp 90 degree angle towards Rogers, Natasha began firing questions.

"Who's been in contact?"

"No one, she came in and then collapsed."

"How long ago?"

"Less than five minutes"





"Where's Bruce?"

"On his way back, ETA 30 minutes."

"Fine, we can work with that."

Having all necessary questions for the time being answered, Natasha took off running at top speed towards the main building, easily matching Rogers.

"How are you so fast?" Steve questioned, surprised that Romanov was able to match his pace.

"Years of training. It's the Russian alternative to drinking a magic American potion."

"I-" Steve started to say something, then seemed to think better of it, and closed his mouth.

Less than a minute later, Rogers and Romanov entered a side entrance to the compound and found the interior all but deserted.

"FRIDAY, where is everyone?"

"All occupants except for May Parker are locked in on the third floor. May Parker is collapsed on the first floor. The possible infection zone ranges 20 feet in all directions from where she is."

Romanov cursed under her breath.

Once again Steve looked like he was about to say something but didn't.

"The best route to transport May Parker to the Med Bay would be by going outside around the building and entering the Med Bay through the second outdoor-connecting entrance in order to minimize zones becoming infected." FRIDAY continued.

"I'll transport May and wait there until Bruce gets back. You can go disinfect in the nuclear fallout room and then head to the third floor, I'll notify you if I need anything." Steve finally spoke and to his surprise Romanov made no argument. 

Natasha hadn't made an argument because there was no argument to be made, but rather because she had realized that May wasn't the only Parker who was going to need help.

"FRIDAY, does everyone know what's going on?"


"FRIDAY. Did you simply lock everyone that was on the third floor, so everyone but Steve, on the third floor?"


"When this is done I'm talking to Tony about some software updates for you."

After quickly making sure that no bacteria had dared approach the Black Widow, Natasha headed upstairs, and after punching in an elaborate code that she practically had to go to death threats with FRIDAY over, Natasha finally entered the third floor.

She had expected everyone to be in a panic that they couldn't leave the third floor and crowding around the elevator, but no one was around. She really needed to organize a few team meetings about being aware of what's going on, especially not knowing if you're trapped in an area or not.

"AVENGERS!" Natasha shouted from common area near the elevator, not even bothering to find everyone.

Less than 30 seconds later everyone, well almost everyone, was in the common room, in various states of annoyance, most notably Tony who was grumbling about being pulled aware from some high tech important something or other.

Scanning the room around her, Natasha realized her mistake. Of course the idiot kid wouldn't come, he didn't think it applied to him.


"Huh? Oh hi Ms. Romanov, what's up? I just posted the video." Peter exited a lab and walked over, completely oblivious to what was going on a few floors below.

"Peter, first off I want to assure you that we are doing all that we can, and there is a 99% chance that everything is going to be fine."

"What. happened." In less than a millisecond Peter's voice was verging on deadly, almost as good as her own, she was impressed.

"May collapsed, she's in the Med Bay with Steve. You can't go down there. Bruce will be here in a few minutes." Natasha relayed all the necessary information as quickly as she could, wanting to get it over with.

The news hit Peter like a bullet, sending him staggering back into an overstuffed chair, while Tony looked furious.

"What. the. hell Romanov." Tony seethed.

"What did you want me to do, not tell him? Like your little AI?" Natasha whisper-yelled back.

"You couldn't think of any better way to break it to him other than 'Hey, oh by the way, ya know how your parents are dead, and your uncle is dead, well guess what, now your last remaining relative might die too', really Romanov?"

"Like you could do a better job."

Steve's voice on the loudspeaker cut through the palpable tension, "Natasha, I need you down here."

She didn't bother saying the curse under her breath. "Look Tony, you deal with Peter then, alright? I have to go help Steve."

Both the elevator and stairs would take too long, even if she didn't have to enter in the 10 million-digit access code, and time was clearly of the essence here. However, luckily for her, the Med Bay's ground entrance was conveniently located about a hundred feet below where she was.

Opening the nearest window, she confidently jumped out, making sure she hit the ground rolling in order to minimize the hard impact, and grabbed the hazmat suit outside the door.

"What is it Steve?" Natasha asked impatiently, as far as she could see, other than being unconscious, May Parker was, for the most part, fine.

"I found this in her jacket, we might have something bigger going on than a simple case of COVID." Steve stated holding out a piece of paper, worry creeping into his voice.

Natasha unfolded the piece of paper.

Happy Holidays! It was getting a bit dull and grey with the pandemic going on, so we decided on a special gift for you!

 "So she got a holiday card. Hate to break it to you Steve, but the winter holidays are not the root of all evil." Natasha teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"Keep reading." Steve's voice continued to be somber.

Introducing the new COVID variant! Straight from one of our headquarters in the U.K., this variant proves to be even more infectious! The original COVID wasn't ours, but we thought that we could always capitalize on it while the market's hot! Have fun with your first case of the new variant in New York, who knows, it might even be more deadly! Happy Holidays!



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