Into the Woods

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A/N : Did anyone notice the title? Yup. It's the upcomming movie Into the Woods. I guess it fits the chapter's content. Okay? Okay! Okay. Hahahahah. Let's just get to the story.

"Even the purest of hearts have secrets. Even the goodest of people turn evil. Then how about you? You could break any second. I believe in you Will. Be strong and the feisty girl I knew."

"Are you sure, Your Majesties?" One of the men asked in insecurities

"Yes. I am. I am a seasoned knight and I believe we can camp despite the harsh-" Another round of snow "weather" Harold finished off the sentence with harsh distaste.

As we ventured deeply into the woods. Nightfall, The weather started to make the turn to the worse.

"Your Majesty. I sense a blizzard comming to us in a few hours. I believe this is a normal occurence and is nothing grave. I advice we must camp for a while to nourish ourselves to survive during the blizzard" Commander Alistair, One of Vasilissa's men announced as we stop dead in our tracks.

"Then let us hurry before this snow knocks out one of us." Vasilissa said as we nodded in agreement.

The men quickly brought out sticks and wood. And started a small fire. Amazingly, it didn't put out despite the snow.

The men, Vasilissa and Harold ploped side by side around the fire. As they halves the bread. They ate in silence.

As they neared finish, The leaves of the almost dead bushes rustled with fierce snow.

"Your Ma-"

The wolves fiercly jumped out the bushes and trees. It must be a whole pack. Their eyes glowed crimson red.

They pounded for an attack.

"Your Majesties, Please escape while we fend off the wolves!" One cadet yelped as the wolves come nearer.

"No! I shall fight besides you men. I am not the Queen of Kent for nothing! I am here to protect my people!" Vasilissa announced bravely, unleashing her sword, The Siligold Sword. It glistered in the moonlight as she prepared her attack position.

"Vasilissa" Harold locked gaze with her. "We must leave the men to fight."

Vasilissa tried to argue but Harold dragged her away as the wolves jumped to attack.

With her very own eyes, She saw one of her men be pounced and shred to peices by a wolf. As the cries of agony spread, Vasilissa fled with Harold and a few men.

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As they ran deeper to the forrest, Vasilissa collasped on the dead trees' trunk. As she was hyperventilating, Harold knelled next to her.

"Get a hold of yourself! Those men were on their own minds" Harold hopelessly yelped at her.

"I should have fought! I should have protected them! I am their leader but I did nothing to service them!"

"These men sacrifice their lives to protect the Queen! To protect you! If you were to die out here, Who will rule over? That sly Grand Elder?"

"I trust him! And you should too!"

" Even the purest of hearts have secrets. Even the goodest of people turn evil. Then how about you? You could break any second. I believe in you Vasilissa. Be strong and the feisty girl I knew."

Vasilissa shut her mouth instantly. As she looked away, She stood and walked far cross Harold. She looked for a rock and rolled a scarlet paper above the rock.

"Okay, Gather up." She said as the rest of the men huddle up around. "The Meadow of Scarlet Stars is three Kingdoms and most probably dozens of forrests away. My clairvoyant says that to find her, We have to reach the Meadow first."

"Which Kingdoms shall we be passing?" One of the cadets asked.

"Essex, Sussex and Yorkshire. They have vast kingdoms and surrounded by distinct forrests." Vasilissa reported, Pointing her fingers here and there.

"What's our first stop?"

"The Forrest of Everlasting Dreams, The border of Sussex." Vasilissa placed her hands on her clad hips. "If we ever get there by sundown, we'd be experiencing hot weather so be prepared."

"Yes, Your Majesty. Should we camp?"

"Yes. Let us sleep and rest. We all deserve it."

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