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Italics = characters thoughts

The airport is dark and empty. Well not completely dark. But walking in gives me chills down my spine.

I find a place to sit. My phone buzzing every few minutes, from my mom.

I ignore it.

Two and a half hours later.
I had fallen asleep, hearing people talk loudly woke me up.

I wonder what Las Vegas will be like. Hopefully warm and sunny.

*thirty minutes later
"Now boarding the Plane to Las Vegas." I jump up walking quickly to the place where I board. "Have a good flight." The man takes my ticket and scans it, smiling at me after.

Don't tell me what to do

Finally I board the plane. My phone dings a couple more times until it stops completely. I check it as I sit down

Please come home. I'll figure out a way to give you the money back I promise. Even if you don't come back I'll still give it to you. I love you, text me later. <3

I slightly smile, at least she's trying.

*Another Time Skip bc Idk what to write*

Stepping off the plane I realize that what I thought it would. The ground semi dry, no one walks around. Except the people who are walking back to the Casino.

Welp, this kind of sucks but I'll figure it out.

It had been hours since I left my home town. It took hours to wait, plus some more to get down here. It's pretty dark.

Why did I decide to leave? I have no where to stay.

Sitting down at a bench I pull my hood up. The cool breeze giving me chills. Anyone could sneak up on me right now, I wouldn't know it. Thinking that makes me looks around.

A tall figure stumbles around. Grunting something in another language. Russian? Something like that.

Finally the figure stumbles once more, falling flat onto their stomach. A loud grunt follows it.

Should I just let them sit there? If they die I'll be a suspect. I'll help I guess.

Walking over slowly I turn my flashlight on. A boy with a red torn up sweater lays in the dirt. Raven colored curls cover his face.

If this is a plan to murder me or something, you might be doing a good job.

Creeping over slowly I crouch down. Hesitating if I should move his curls out of his face.

Slowly my hand trembles, touching his soft curls. I shudder feeling his soft cheek. His eyelashes raise up and down meaning he was probably awake

"Um... are you okay?" The boy raises his head to look at me.

His lips smooth looking, freckles covering his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

I ask once again. "Are you okay? I'll just leave you here if you aren't gonna answer." I sigh. Standing up I feel a hand around my ankle.

"Do not leave, help please." His voice groggy, accompanied by a thick accent.

"Here." I grab his arms, helping him stand up. Finally he does, his knees give out a bit. I brush the dirt off of his sweater, his arm around my shoulder to help him stand up straight.

Word Count: 535
Okay so imma make Boris' phrases not make much sense because English isn't his first language, and I'm kind of struggling with that but I'll figure it out. I hope you enjoy this one.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now