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Walking down the street I explain to Boris some commonly used English words.

"Do you understand?" "Yeah bro." He smiles trying to understand the common language.

Finally we get to the store. We pick out some snacks and food to actually cook. Dog treats and other stuff.

Boris' arm slithers around my waist. "Common thing, yeah?" He questions, knowing I'm equally confused. "No Boris, only people who are dating do that."

He frowns and lets his arm go. "We should date, yeah?" "I don't understand your logic, no Boris. We're just friends." I giggle.

"Why not more than friends?" He hands me some cereal. "Because, I don't know. We don't like like each other." "Like like?"

I continue to push the buggy, picking up a couple things. "Like like means you love someone, like when people are dating, they are basically best friends. But they like each other more than that."

(I'm from South Carolina and we say buggy or cart, mostly buggy)

"Love me right?" He looks down at me, his hand loosely on my shoulder. I come to a stop.

"I love you like a friend. Not any other way." "I love you, like a friend..." he sighs leaning against me.

"We are best friends right?" He grips the buggy handle, pushing the buggy with me. "Yes, Boris." I roll my eyes playfully at how many questions he's been asking.

*Boris' POV
"Then we should date, makes sense. Boom, solved." I flail my arms in the air to try to prove a point . She laughs pretty hard at my reaction. "Am serious y/n." I chuckles with me, looping my arm with hers, as we push the buggy. "That kiss didn't mean anything, it was a friendly kiss right?" She looks to her left, searching for some more food.

I remember the kisses on her neck, the two hickeys I left. "Yeah, yeah. Friendly kiss."

I want to believe it was too.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now