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Finally we sit back on the roof. The wind hits my legs and arms. I begin to shiver. "Who jumps first?" Boris put a cigarette out on the roof panel. "I will." "Ah. Smart, pretty and brave girl." He chuckles as he looks at the dark and murky looking water.

I hesitate first. Finally I jump. The cold water hit my skin. It fully submerges me in the dark water. The coldness feels like pins and needles for a bit, then I started to get used to it.

Theo jumps in next. Then Boris. "Not know how to swim very well." "You'll be fine Boris we'll help you." Theo puts a hand on my bare shoulder.

He lets out a squeal as he jumps. We swim to him as he comes out of the water, his arms flail a bit before finally calming down. "Ah. I can swim. Big surprise." We all laugh at his reaction.

We play fight in the water for a while, of course we teamed up against Theo.

Later on we calmed down. Floating near the steps. While I talked to Theo, Boris swam up behind me. Putting his arms around my waist and pulling me under. "You mother!-" Theo laughed as I came up from the water.

"Sorry y/n, saw perfect chance, took it." He smiled as he hugged me from behind. Our height difference made it where Boris could put his head atop of mine. His arms hold onto my waist.

We all get interrupted by someone's phone ringing. "Ah. Mine. Right back." He let's go and gets out of the water. Theo talks about dumb stuff the other boy has done.

We both swim to the edge of the pool where Boris sat. "Hi детка!" His cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "What did he say?" I whisper. "He's talking to Kotku, his girlfriend. He said 'Hi baby.' They're on and off again a lot."

"Oh. He never said he had a girlfriend." "Yeah, he calls all girls 'baby' 'princess' and lots of other names. He doesn't know he leads them on."

I don't like Boris like that, I just met him a couple hours ago. That's his business not mine.

"You haven't tried to explain it to him?" "I have once or twice. He just says 'is nicknames, they are not serious, correct?' He never listens." "Oh wow."

"Bye детка." He smiles as he hangs the phone up and gets into the water between Theo and I. "Kotku is coming over. Get to meet her!" He smiles brightly, then goes underwater.

His curls slide back a bit, a couple of them stay on his forehead. "Lets get out, cold. Eat food too." He grabs my hand as we walk to the back doors. I shiver once more. "Here."

His arms go around me from behind with a towel. "Here, don't need one." He smiles as he walks into the house.

He's very nice.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now