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*Your POV
I sit in my room, sobbing. Curled up on the floor, waking up every time I fall asleep.

I can't cry anymore. So I get up.

Theo 💕
Y/n: hi
Theo💕: are you okay?! Did he hurt you?
Y/n: I'm fine, what about him? Why did he react like that?
Theo💕: why are you worried about him? He could've hurt you, he yelled! He never does.
Y/n: I know, I wanna forgive him.
Theo💕: he's drinking, he only does that when he's sad, or trying to forget something.
Y/n: oh...

I start to hear muffled talking, I go to the wall so I can hear better.

"I feel bad Potter. Didn't mean to yell. Didn't mean to scare her." He slurs his words.

I take my head off of the wall.

*Theo's POV (you didn't hear this part)
"I like her Potter, a lot. Love, I love her even." I gasp silently. "You're drunk Boris, you've never loved a girl." I try to reassure him, it's true.

He never has.

"No potter, I do. I really really do." He frowns as he fumbles with the empty glass bottle.

The one he wanted to drink his feelings away with.

"Another drink please Potter." He whispers. "No boris, no more." I cross my arms.

"Potter pl-" "Boris No! If you really loved her you wouldn't drink like you do, you would do better, and protect her and most of all not yell at her." My voice cracks, I'm mad at him. I also feel bad for him.

His face blank with no emotion, like he's thinking. "Ok fine." He whispers, standing up. "Don't go in there Boris." "My room, can do what I want." He stumbles onto the wall.

*Your POV
I hear a knock, I back away from the door quickly. "No Boris, go away." "принцесса please. Very very sorry." I hear his words slur, his back hitting the back of the door, indicating he's sitting down.

Small thumps hit to door, from his head, as he starts talking in Russian. "Boris, you know I can't understand you." I whisper, giggling a bit.

"I love your giggle, your face too. Way you treat me, how you help me. Protecting me. Your nose, what is the word." "Scrunches?" "Ah yes, how your nose scrunches when you laugh."


He chuckles to himself.

Opening the door he falls backwards, looking up at me. I almost smile as his face. I do.

His freckles scattered perfectly. Like snow. His eyes stare into mine, a deep dark brown color. His lips smooth.

"Go lay down. Go to sleep. It's late." I pull him by his arm to stand up, even though it takes him a minute he finally stands up in front of me.

One hand on my waist, one on my shoulder.  He stares at me, at my lips. I feel a sudden warmth as he hugs me. His arms around my torso.

His face buried in the crook of my neck. He backs me up, still hugging me.

We lay on the bed. His arms still around me tightly.

He falls asleep first. Slowly but he does. I kiss his head and lay there. His breath tickles my neck. I think about what he said.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now