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Miles sits outside as y/n drags Boris outside. "Here he is." She smiles brightly at the two.

"Hi Boris." He stands up. "Hello. принцесса let's go." Putting his arm around y/n's shoulders they start to walk.

"Where are we going?" The two ask one unison. "Ice cream?" Miles suggest. "Sure."

*Later that day bc idk what to write*
Around 9 pm
Boris and Miles got closer over the past couple hours. Both figuring out they are related and why they have different last names.

Boris Pavlikovsky Fairchild and Miles Pavlikovsky Fairchild. Both taking their dads last name and moms.

Y/n smiled at the two identical boys as they hang out. "Brother. We should watch movies." "Seems cool with me." The two smile brightly knowing they're family.

"I'll be back." Y/n leaves to change into something more comfortable knowing she'll probably fall asleep anywhere.

Miles follows behind, Boris doesn't notice. He's too caught up in the American cartoons he loves.

"Boo." Y/n squeals as Miles' arms go around her waist picking her up. "Miles! You scared me." She giggles. "You're very easy to scare."

"Don't judge. Now leave I gotta get dressed." She giggles as he shakes his head.

"Why? Can't I stay?" He grins. "I've known you for like two days." She says pulling one of Boris' t-shirts off of a hanger and putting it on the bed.

"I mean we did kiss in the first hour we talked." He stands up tucking her hair behind her ear, she blushes.

"Not the point, go. Boris will be mad. He didn't like that you put hickeys on me." She giggles pushing him out of the room. Finally locking it.

"Weirdo." She smiles.

Miles finally walks away.

Well tried to.

Boris stands in front of him. Even though the boys are the same height Miles feels a bit inferior standing in front of Boris.

"What are you doing?" "I was talking to y/n." "Ah. She giggled a lot. Don't touch her. She's mine." He chuckles.

"Oh brother." Miles smiles as Boris puts an arm around his brothers shoulders.

"You guys aren't dating right? She said you got mad when I-" "I did. Very angry. Not sure why but I did. Scared her too. Didn't mean to." Boris frowns as the brothers sit down.

"Do you like her?" "Don't know. Never felt this way towards any other girl. She's different. Good different." His cheeks glow a light red shade.

"You've kissed her haven't you?" "Yes. She felt uncomfortable. Didn't do it again. Left hickeys. Only two!" He wanted to make it obvious he only left two.

"You left eight. Confusing." Miles and Boris both chuckle a bit.

"I'm back. Let's watch a movie."

All four friends changed into some comfortable clothes knowing they'll probably fall asleep o. The couch.

Miles scoots over so Y/n can sit next to Boris. The Russian boys arms goes around her. Pulling her closer.

She leans into Boris left side, Miles lays his head on her lap. Theo holds Miles' feet on his lap.

They decide to watch a scary movie.

I hope how I explained how Y/n sits against Boris is easy to understand without completely breaking everything down which makes my writing suck. 😂

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now