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Theo gives me his number and also Boris'.

Boris comes back to the room, holding a beer. "I sit on roof, wanna come?" "Sure." I roll my eyes at the alcohol.

"Aren't you too young to drink?" I try to grab it from him. "No, принцесса, not for you. Not good for you." "Then why are you drinking it?" "Don't know." He shrugs, looking at the stars.

I shiver, since I'm wearing shorts. "Cold? Here. One second." He goes back into the room.

Pulling his sweater off. A bruise here and there. "Like what you see?" He chuckles, I didn't realize I was staring. "Oh hush." Finally he puts another shirt on. "Here. Put on."

I had taken my hoodie off earlier. I didn't know we would be sitting on the roof.

The sweater smells like cigarettes and alcohol. It goes down to my mid thigh. He scoots closer. "Still cold?" "Yeah." I look away. A arm goes around my back, pulling me slower. His hand grips my side.

Theo soon joins us on the roof. We start talking about anything and everything. Somehow we get to the topic of swimming.

"Want to swim Potter?" "Sure." "принцесса?" "I don't know, it's gonna be cold." "I will keep you warm, promise." He says as he stares at the murky looking dark water. We hear a bark. "Ah. Popchyk! Good dog." Boris reaches into the window to pet the dog.

"Come, swim." He looks at me, a hand to pull me back into the room. "I'm gonna change. Be right back." He leaves the room. Theo sits on the roof not paying any attention.

I pull the sweater off, and start to put a tank top on. "Hmmm very pretty." "How long were you standing there?!" I raise my voice a bit which makes him flinch. "Sorry, sorry. Please no yelling." His hands go in front of his face like he's shielding himself.

"Boris?" He looks up slowly. "Why did you flinch? Are you okay?" "Yes, fine. I'm fine." He smiles.

I slowly wrap my hands around his neck. His around my waist. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you've been through. I shouldn't have yelled." "принцесса, it is okay. Promise." He smirks and leads me to the window.

I've known him for about an hour and a half. I've learned a lot about him. I feel bad for yelling. He's a good person.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now