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After a while we finally got dressed. It's three am.

A knock fills the room, which stops our conversation. A girl walks into the house. Boris takes his arm that he had around my shoulders away. Standing up to talk to her.

(Hi! Authors note! When I say "looks around 20" I'm not saying she's 20, people have been comparing her to a p3do and it's a bit annoying lol. She's the same age as all the other characters, she just looks older. Thank you for reading!)

The girl, which is most likely a woman. Looks around 20 years old. Compared to us 16-17 year olds.

She said something in Russian and Boris agreed. Leading her into a room.

"Please don't tell me-" "They aren't, she said she needs to talk to him or something." "Thank goodness"

After a couple minutes we hear someone's voice grow louder, yelling in Russian.

Boris yells at the girl.

*Boris' POV
*Their conversation is in Russian*

Kotku tells me we have to talk. I lead her to my room. I sit on the bed, I know what the conversation is gonna be like.

"Listen Boris we need to end things." She crosses her arms leaning against the wall. "Why? You will come back later." I push my hair back.

"No Boris, forever." "Why forever. What did I do?"
I'm honestly not worried about it.

"You have hoes come to house, I can't trust you. Example: y/n." I stand up angrily. "She's not one." "Hhm, sure." "Kotku she isn't!" I push her against the wall harshly.

"You'll see it later on." She test my patience. "I know she isn't, leave her out of the conversation!!" I finally snap. Punching the wall beside her head.

Closely beside her head.

I could tell she was afraid before but not she must be terrified.

She squeals and runs out of the room. Leaving the house.

*Your POV
Kotku leaves the house. Slamming the door behind her. I didn't realize I was holding my breath. I look at Theo who is reading a book beside me.

"It's normal, don't worry about it. He'll be in here in a bit." He whispers.

After about a minute or two Boris comes back. Not making eye contact with anyone. Just going to the kitchen and grabbing a beer.

Sitting down in between Theo and I, putting a arm around my shoulder. I flinch a bit.

Hearing that loud noise scared me a bit.

"I'm sorry принцесса, she made me mad. Not hit her. Hit the wall." He looks down at his lap. Taking a sip of the beer before putting his head on my lap.

I put my hand on his cheek, rubbing it with my thumb. Then my hand through his hair. Silence sat with us. First Boris fell asleep. Then Theo, lastly me.

Tonight has been an eventful night.

You're mine, only mine. Promise me. //Boris x readerWhere stories live. Discover now