power point presentation...

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Can you guess which story I am currently obsessing over? Can ya?

Also, pictured is Wanda's working outfit. I tried my best to describe it last time but here is what I was basing it off.

After training Pietro was exhausted. All he wanted to do was curl up with some ice packs and watch a movie.

But it seems fate has other plans.

"Maximoff. Conference room. Now."

Pietro groaned but obeyed, making his way to the conference room. He entered to find the rest of the Avengers were already there, sitting at the long table with Natasha at the head of the table. Pietro sat down, watching as Natasha pulled up a video on the screen at the front of the room. On the screen was a hallway, doors on either side. One of the doors was kicked in.

"Natasha, what are we looking at?" Bucky asked, waiting like the rest of the group for the video to play.

"Be warned, this is...intense." Nat finally spoke, starting the video.

The camera was obviously attached to someone's lapel, based on how shaky it was and the angle of the shot. The view moved through the hallway slowly, a gun coming into view. The group recognized Natasha's hands right away.

Natasha entered the room with the kicked down door, immediately looking at the bodies of the SHIELD agents, all of whom had seemingly perished from self inflicted gun shot wounds. Natasha paused when she noticed the young woman crouched next to the man hand cuffed in the corner. The young woman spoke to him in Sokovian and he replied before she snapped his neck.

Nat raised her gun to aim it at the young woman. "Stay where you are." The young woman tensed, turning slowly. She was pale, with burns on her neck, her green eyes expressionless.  Her brunette hair was pulled up in a bun atop her head. When she saw Natasha's face, she smirked, the only hint of emotion she gave. "You're coming with me, Scarlet Witch."

"You're going to have to catch me first, Black Widow." Her voice was heavily accented and cold. She moved quickly, racing at Natasha. However, rather than attacking her she dove under her arms and raced out the door.

Nat was in hot pursuit. She jumped over the items that fell in her path, catching the eerie scarlet glow they gave off. She chased the young woman down into the train station where she saw her hop on a train. Natasha pounded on the door as it closed in her face, the train taking off with the killer inside.

The video feed cut out.

The Avengers sat in stunned silence, staring at one another. Natasha passed around thick files, each member flipping through them to see each paper was a different person's biography marked deceased. They looked up at Natasha quizzically. "Nat-"

"They call her the Scarlet Witch. She used to be a rumor, a ghost. No one in the intelligence field could confirm her existence. That is, until one week ago, when she herself confirmed it for me."

"Natasha,  all these deaths are ruled  suicides, natural causes, or freak accidents. Are you saying they are all the Scarlet Witch's doing?" Bruce Banner asked, flipping through nearly hundreds of names.

Natasha took in a deep breath. "She makes all her kills look that way. I've been connecting her cases for years, she's been active since she was a child. She has a mutant power of some sort, something akin to magic."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, you can't seriously be considering magic being at play here?" Tony scoffed.

"Not magic, mutant powers. There's a difference." Natasha glared at Tony. "Look, she's dangerous. She needs to be taken out."

Pietro tuned out the conversation as it spiraled into morality debate, his eyes glued to two people's files in the thick case Natasha gave him. His hands shook as he traced the outline of their faces, reading the official report of what happened.

If this...this Scarlet Witch killed his parents and framed his mother, he was going to make her pay. He was going to make her suffer for ever daring to take that mission. He remembered the cold, dead look in her eyes as she smirked at Natasha after having snapped that man's neck with her bare hands.

He shivered.

"I agree with Natasha." Everyone fell silent, looking to their youngest member. He looked back with a face of determination. "This threat needs to be dealt with swiftly and thoroughly. Who knows what kind of chaos this Witch can bring?"


"She murdered my parents and framed my mother, Steve." Cap clammed up after being called Steve by Pietro, knowing he meant business.

"Now, kid, we can't get personal about this. We need to stay objective." Clint spoke calmly, sensing the anger rolling off the speedster.

"She already made it personal." Pietro growled, slamming the file down and storming out of the room.

He needed to run to clear his head, to calm himself before he hit someone.

How could they not see the damage this...this...this monster was causing to the world from behind the scenes? The mutant human relations was already tense as it was, if they found out a mutant was behind some of the most politically charged deaths in the last few years everything that mutants have been building towards would collapse.

And not only that, her kill count was close to the hundreds if not in the hundreds, and she couldn't be older than Pietro. The damage she could and would cause further down the line would be catastrophic.

No, there was no avoiding it. This was not the type of person to be redeemed. Pietro saw the way she smirked when a new target, a new person to kill presented themselves.

This was the type of person the world was better off without, Pietro was sure of it.

So why then did Pietro feel like he was missing a key piece to this? And why did his heart ache when he thought about ending the person who killed his parents?

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