mighty wishes...

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Has anyone noticed what I've been doing with the chapter titles yet?

Wanda stood with Maria Hill as the Avengers discussed the videos, having used her powers to alter the chances of anyone recognizing her as well as disguising herself. She had a feeling Pietro knew who she was but he had yet to say anything, only stare curiously at her.

Wanda wasn't worried about the Avengers finding out her identity, in fact, she was looking forward to the chaos it would bring.

She stood there with her 'fellow agent', watching as the Avengers talked over the video. She noticed Hill put her hand up to her ear, nodding after a moment before walking up to Director Fury. "Sir, the team tasked with finding her identity has come upon a break through. They are sending the information over now."

Wanda smirked, watching as Pietro paled. Let the games begin.

Director Fury opened up the files once they reached the computer, pulling them up on the holographic screen. Photographs upon photographs of a four person family were shown on the screen as well as doctor notes, birth certificates, and...adoption papers.

Wanda felt her heart skip a beat. Adoption papers...? Why would there be adoption papers in her file? Were she and Pietro not actually Django and Marya birth children?

She pulled herself out of her thoughts as Fury started to speak. "The Scarlet Witch is a ghost no more. Her name is Wanda Maximoff, adopted daughter of Django and Marya Maximoff. She is twenty two years old, according to her birth certificate. She was born to Natalya Maximoff and Erik Lehnsherr, along with her twin brother, Pietro Maximoff." All eyes turned to Pietro. "Have something to say, Maximoff?"

Pietro looked at the room. "I...I had no idea I had a sister. My parents...they always told me I was an only child, that Wanda was an imaginary friend that they indulged. I didn't- I didn't know she was real. That she was...the Scarlet Witch."

"Well, says here she disappeared when she was five. And that is when Hydra tried to wipe her out of existence. They tried to destroy all evidence of her existence, destroying her files and records and doctoring the photographs to edit her out." Fury pulled up two photos, one with Wanda and one without. "They nearly succeeded. They are good, but we are better."

"Why...why would my parents go along with this? Why wouldn't they tell me the truth?" Pietro looked around the room, being met with silence and pointed looks. He felt his stomach drop. "No...they wouldn't. They are-were good people."

Wanda snorted softly, drawing Pietro's attention back to her. He narrowed his eyes, instantly on his feet. He grabbed the cuff off the table and was at Wanda's side before she could react, turning it on and placing the cuff on her wrist. Wanda winced, feeling her powers wan and her disguise fall. The Avengers all gasped while Fury and Maria just nodded knowingly.

"Witchy! How did you get in here?" Stark jumped up, backing up slightly as he did so.

Wanda smirked, taking the hat off her head. "Isn't it obvious, Stark? I used my powers to infiltrate SHIELD and therefore the Avengers base, all to get close enough to kill you. You should be flattered, really, that I'm going through all this effort to see this mission through."

"Good luck getting through the whole Avengers roster plus the two highest ranking SHIELD officers." Rhodey sat calmly in his, watching the scene play out.

"I don't need luck and I don't need to get through the whole Avengers' roster. Just one billionaire." Wanda reached into the holster SHIELD gave her, pulling out her gun. She elbowed Pietro in the nose, taking him out of commission just long enough for her to fire at Tony Stark. She hit him square in the chest. "There. Mission complete."

Everyone leapt into action, most of the team running over to Tony to check on him while Natasha and Bucky ran at Wanda. They put her in heavy restraints, Wanda not putting up a fight as she watched the Avengers panic.

"Take her to a cell." Fury commanded.

Bucky and Nat walked out of the room with Wanda, the young brunette smiling to herself. She had done it. She had really, truly, done it.

"You aren't going anywhere, Witch." Bucky snarled, tossing Wanda into one of the cells at the compound.

"Why would I want to go anywhere? I am exactly where I want to be." Wanda chuckled. She watched as Bucky sent her a knowing look before walking off, leaving her alone with Natasha. She looked at the former assassin. "What are you still doing here, Widow? You've gotten what you wanted. You captured me. Are you basking in the moment?"

Natasha stared at her in pity. "No, I am planning."

"Planning what?" Wanda cocked her head to the side in confusion.

"Planning on how to undo the brainwashing you've been put under for your entire life." Natasha turned to leave. "If you'll excuse me, I have to go check on my friend that you just tried to kill."

"There is no try, Widow, only do."

"We'll see about that."

The door to the holding area closed, leaving Wanda alone with her thoughts. She had managed to infiltrate the Avengers complex and take down Tony Stark, while also getting Pietro to remember who she was. Over all, she would consider today to be a victory.

She doubted her superiors would see it this way, but she said screw them.

Now, all she needed was a strategy, a plan of action for her current situation. She needed to make Pietro understand, needed him to see things from her perspective, or everything will have been for nothing.

So Wanda sat in her cell, plotting and planning and scheming as the Avengers floors above rushed Tony to the medical wing, FRIDAY doing scans on Tony's body to come up with a report of how to proceed.

Everything was exactly how Wanda wanted it to be.

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