musty wells...

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We are nearing the end of this story, just a heads up. Also, I meant for this chapter to come out like a month ago but I've just been procrastinating so hard and losing so much energy and inspiration for it despite having it all planned out. Ugh. 

Wanda sat in the Quinjet with her brother and Natasha as an uncomfortable silence enveloped them. She stared down at her hands as Natasha and Pietro started an easy conversation between them, ignoring her presence.

"So, we are heading to the X-Mansion first, correct?" Pietro asked Natasha as she piloted the twins and herself.

"Yes. Your sister, Lorna, should be there. And perhaps your father, as well. His standing, lately, is a bit murky." Natasha added, shooting a glance back at Wanda when she said this. Wanda rolled her eyes.

"As I have already explained, Widow, I am free from the brainwashing and all extra subconscious coding that Hydra instilled in me. Besides, you were there when I agreed to join your merry band of heroes, were you not? I am on the side of the angels now." Wanda shot back at the red head. 

Pietro looked at his twin. "You are an Avenger now?" Wanda nodded wordlessly. Pietro looked to Natasha, who nodded as well in confirmation. Pietro turned back to his sister, who had a look of annoyance on her face. "Well, welcome to the Avengers."

"Thank you, 'tro. I hope I can atone for my...many...missteps." Wanda sighed, wringing her hands together in her lap. 

Pietro looked to Natasha, who smiled at him. He got up out of his seat and made his way back to his sister, sitting down next to her. Hesitantly, Pietro began speaking. " were a child, Wanda. You had no choice, like you said, you were doing it to protect me and our family. You were brainwashed. You didn't have-"

Wanda turned to look at her brother face on. "Pietro, I appreciate what you are trying to do, I really do, believe me. But...when you can do what I can, when you did you put it? 'Make the impossible possible' like I really never should've happened." Wanda whispered. "I should've been able to stop them from taking over my mind, but I was weak. I should've never let it get as far as it did, but the reality is that it happened and no matter how hard I try - and believe me, I have been trying - I cannot change that."

Pietro's eyes widened at the last little bit of what Wanda said. "You''ve tried to change the past?"

Wanda gave him a small, sad grin. "If you had my powers, wouldn't you at least give it a shot? To erase your mistakes...and maybe even yourself...from existence?"

Pietro felt a spear of panic go through him. "'ve tried to erase yourself from existence?"

The corner of Wanda's mouth dipped down for a second and her lip wobbled. "I-"

"We are approaching the X-Mansion now." Natasha announced, reminding the twins of her presence. "Get ready, the X-Men aren't really our biggest fans."

"What are they going to do? Attack u-" Pietro was cut off by the Quinjet rocking violently. Natasha looked back at Pietro with a look that screamed does that answer your question?.  Pietro ran to the front of the jet. "What the hell was that?"

"That, I believe, would be your sister." Natasha answered as a young woman with green hair flew up into view of the Quinjet. She narrowed her eyes at the jet. Natasha sighed. "Polaris, we are not here to fight. Please set us down."

"Why should I do that? Last time you came here, you took the Professor and have yet to bring him back." Polaris replied. 

"He came of his own free will, you know this." Natasha sighed. "Polaris, I have two people I believe you should meet. Please, set us down so we can talk."

Polaris narrowed her eyes further but nodded, setting the jet down gently and landing next to it. 

The doors to the jet opened up and out stepped the trio of Avengers, Wanda in the back. She looked hesitantly around, noticing the sprawling field around the mansion where teens and young adults ran and played with each other, their powers in full display. Her eyes landed on the green haired woman before her, staring at the similar head piece she wore, except that this 'Polaris' was in all green and Wanda was in red and black. 

Polaris looked at the twins and then to Natasha. "Who are they?"

Natasha looked to Pietro and Wanda, who in turn exchanged a look between themselves. Pietro stepped forward. "My name is Pietro Maximoff, also known as Quicksilver of the Avengers. This is my twin sister, Wanda Maximoff." Wanda felt her heart soar when Pietro introduced her as his twin. "We have come here because - after doing a DNA test on ourselves to confirm our relation - we discovered that who we thought to be our biological parents are indeed not our parents but our aunt and uncle. Our parents are Natalya Maximoff and Erik Lehnsherr."

Polaris' eyes widened at that. " your father too?"

Wanda stepped forward. "Yes. Biologically speaking. We have never met the man before."

Polaris looked at Pietro. "Now that you mention it, I can see the resemblance."

Wanda snorted. "You look like an old man, 'tro."

"Hey!" Pietro faked being insulted, loving the fact that he and Wanda fell into an easy rhythm of sibling teasing. 

"That would make us...siblings?" Polaris looked at the twins, who nodded. She smiled at them, a happy, wide grin. "Cool. I always wanted siblings."

 "Well, now you have two." Pietro chuckled.

"Are you two...mutants as well?" Polaris asked. 

"Yes." They answered at the same time. 

"I'm fast, she's weird." Pietro smirked at Wanda, who glared jokingly at him. 

"You are still butt hurt that I can kick your ass." Wanda smirked back.

Pietro went to shoot a retort but was cut off by Polaris diving at the twins, pulling them both into a hug. "Oof!"

The twins embraced their sister, and if they had tears on their faces, well, no one would ever know.

Except Natasha, who got it on camera. 

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