power move...

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I am out of the hospital and wrote out the plan for this, so BAM! Prepare yourselves for updates. 

I have the rest of this planned out, I just don't know how long it is going to be. We are definitely past the halfway point though.

((And I am running out of words to string together that use the twins' initials.))

ANYWAYS! Here is a short short short update for y'all. Enjoy. 

((Pictured above is Wanda's outfit.))

Pietro paced back and forth in the Avengers lounge area, arms crossed behind his lower back. He was worried about Wanda and was  conflicted about that feeling.

His sister was an assassin but she was still that. His sister, his twin. Then again, he hadn't even remembered her until yesterday, thinking her to be his imaginary friend.

Pietro groaned, fisting a handful of his hair. He was so confused and desperately needed to talk to someone, but everyone at the complex was worried about Stark. They wouldn't care to talk to him about his warring feelings.

Or so he thought.

"Hey, Maximoff, what's got you so worked up?" Pietro whirled around and gave Clint a harsh glare, as if to silently say 'do you even need to ask'. Clint nodded. "Oh. Right. The whole finding out you have a twin sister and she is the Scarlet Witch, the very one who killed your parents, who turned out to be your adoptive parents and sold said sister to Hydra. Got it."

Pietro blinked. "How did you know my parents sold Wanda? That wasn't mentioned in the file."

Clint gave Pietro a look. "Kid, it was kind of obvious that Django and Marya had something to do with Wanda becoming entangled with Hydra. And then your sister herself confirmed it. Did you forget that there are cameras in the cell blocks?" Realization dawned on Pietro. Clint saw the look on Pietro's face, realization hitting him a split second later. "Pietro, wait-!"

He was too late as Pietro took off running to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. He stalked over to his laptop and opened it, turning it on and typing the password in as his mind raced and his heart thudded in his chest. Pulling up the security feed of the cell blocks, Pietro sifted through them until he got to the feed of Wanda's cell, finding Professor Xavier sitting outside Wanda's cell, a hand to his temple. Wanda was sitting cross legged before him on the other side of the bars, sweat dripping down her forehead and a look of concentrated pain on her face. 

"Sestra..." Pietro murmured, shocking himself with the amount of nostalgic concern he felt for Wanda. Pushing back from the desk and turning towards the door with the intent to go to his sister's aid, he found his path blocked by Natasha. He jumped slightly, not expecting to see Black Widow standing there. "Nat! What are you doing here?"

Natasha smiled slightly at the young speedster, holding a piece of paper out to him. "Off to see your sister, Maximoff?"

Pietro glanced down at the paper, catching what Natasha said. "Wait, you mean the results came back positive? Wanda really is my sister? My twin?" Natasha hummed in response, nodding to the paper. Pietro took it, looking down at the results. His hands shook slightly. "I should've known the moment I saw that tape of her..."

"You didn't even realize you had a sister until recently, Pietro. Don't beat yourself up." Natasha put a hand on his shoulder, a sympathetic look on her pale face. "There's more."

Pietro raised a brow. "Oh?"

Natasha sighed. "I've located your birth parents with...mixed results."

Pietro inhaled sharply. "Okay."

"Natalya, your mother, she...she's deceased. Has been for a number of years."

Pietro nodded slowly, his heart heavy. "And my father?"

"Erik, he is alive. He goes by the name Magneto. You may have heard of him." Pietro nodded once more. "He also has another child, Lorna Dane, otherwise known as Polaris of the X-Men."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go meet our family, brat najdrahší."  Pietro and Natasha turned to see Wanda standing in the doorway with a smirk on her face and her arms crossed loosely over her chest. 

"How did you get out of your cell?" Natasha asked, eyes narrowed at the (former?) assassin. 

Wanda shrugged. "Xavier gave me a clean bill of health and released me from my bonds and cell. I am no longer under Hydra's control. What, do you want a doctor's note?"

Pietro smiled a little at his sister's sass, quickly fixing his face when Natasha turned back to him. The red head sighed. "No, I trust Xavier. If he says you are clear, then I believe him."

Wanda let out a small breath, stepping into the room. She snapped her fingers and a scarlet glow encased her, shining brightly for a moment before dissipating, revealing Wanda in a new outfit. Rather than being in the SHIELD agent uniform, she was now in a red and black corset top with red sleeves, a red cape held together by her emblem, black pants, black gloves, black boots, and a red head piece in the shape of her emblem. 

She gave Pietro a small grin. "Are you ready to meet our sister and father, 'tro?" He nodded, stepping towards his sister. She looked at Natasha with a curious look. "I assume you are coming along as well, Widow?"

Natasha nodded. "Xavier may have given you a clean bill of health and I may not be one for family reunions but I need to keep an eye on you, Witch. I don't trust you."

"Let's hope I can change your mind."

"You better not use any of your mutant magic on me." Natasha warned.

Wanda smiled at Natasha. "I wouldn't dream of it." She looked at her brother. "Ready to go?"

"Ready as I'll ever be, Wi-Wanda." Pietro grimaced. "Sorry."

"It's okay. I have to earn your trust and respect. I get it. I am a terrible person. I did terrible things." Wanda frowned before quickly changing her expression. "But the past is in the past, yes? Let's look to the future."

"To the future."

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