we've met...

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oh ho ho. get ready for a C R I S I S.

Wanda stared down at her brother as he lay unconscious on her hotel bed, tied down. She reached a tentative hand towards his face, only to pull it back a moment later, tears brimming in her eyes.

Pietro twitched, his face contorting. "Wanda..."

Wanda's eyes widened. Did he remember her after all?

"Pietro...?" Wanda whispered, watching as Pietro's eyes slowly opened.

He looked around, noticing he was tied down. He grunted, tugging at the restraints for a moment before he noticed Wanda. He glared at her. "You!"

Wanda sighed, her hope that he was remembering her gone. "Yes, yes, it is I, the awful, murderous Scarlet Witch." Pietro sneered at her. Wanda searched his face for any signs of recognition, finding none. "Do you...do you really not recognize me, Pietro?"

"How do you know my name?" Pietro growled, tugging at the restraints.

Wanda rolled her eyes. "There are many things I know about you, Pietro Maximoff. I know more about your early childhood than even you do."

"Impossible." He spat.

"Oh, but it is very possible, and it is true." Wanda smiled. "After all, I was there."

Pietro scoffed. "Yeah, right. You are just trying to play mind games with me. It won't work, Witch."

Wanda narrowed her eyes at Pietro, determination filling her veins. "When you were four, you discovered your mutant ability of super speed. You didn't know what was happening to you, how you were able to travel so quickly and why the rest of the world seemed to go so slow."

Pietro looked at her. "You could've read that in my file."

Wanda shrugged. "True, but you know what isn't in your file? How you discovered your ability." Pietro stayed silent. "You were playing hide and seek with the other town children out in the fields beyond the town line. When you were all called back for dinner, you offered a race, like you always did. You started to run and couldn't stop, speeding past your house and towards an old condemned building. You crashed into it at high speeds and the whole building collapsed, nearly crushing you. It took twelve hours for the town to dig you out."

"...how did you know I always offered races?" Pietro looked at Wanda suspiciously.

Wanda looked hurt. "Do you really not know who I am? Who I am to you?"

"Am I supposed to?"

Wanda blinked back the tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. "I guess Django and Marya did a number on your memory, Pietro, but I thought I would be the last person you'd forget about."

Pietro felt his blood boil. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't say their names as if you didn't murder them." Pietro hissed.

Wanda glared at her twin. "They made you forget about me, Pietro. They erased me from existence, allowed me to be kidnapped while they turned a blind eye, they made me what I am. They deserved what they got. Besides, I had my orders. If I had not carried them out, they would've made me kill you too, as punishment. I was protecting you."

"Am I supposed to what, thank you?" Pietro glowered. "You are just some delusional psychopathic assassin that murdered my parents, is trying to kill my teammate, and has kidnapped me."

Wanda was quiet for a moment, her jaw set. She nodded once. "If that is what you think I am, I see no point in continuing this conversation. I will let you go."

Pietro furrowed his brow. "What was the point of kidnapping me?"

"To see if you truly did not remember me...and increase the probability of you remembering the truth of your childhood." Wanda pointed a finger at Pietro's head, sending a small hex bolt at him.

Pietro grunted when it hit him, feeling the dizzying effects. He started to slip back into the void, looking up at Wanda. "Before you set me free, answer me this. What is your real name?"

Wanda smiled, starting to undo the restraints on her twin. "My name is Wanda. Wanda M-"

Pietro's eyes fell shut as he passed out, only having caught her first name. Wanda sighed, finishing her work of undoing the restraints on Pietro. She searched his persons for a distress signal, finding one on his wrist. She pressed it after gathering her belongings, disappearing out onto the fire escape.

Wanda walked through the streets of the city, blending in with the other pedestrians. She made her way to a motel, checking in to a room using some cash she had pick pocketed off some by passers. Going up to her room, Wanda dropped her stuff on her bed, sitting down on the desk chair. She looked out the window, her chin in her hand.

"Pietro, brother, I hope your heart doesn't break too badly when you learn the truth." She whispered to herself. She got up and walked to the shower, deciding it was due time to clean herself.

After her shower, she got changed into her pajamas, deciding to call the hospital that Pepper and Tony were at to see if they were still there.

"Hi, this is Maisie Wilfork, I work for Virginia Potts and Tony Stark? I was just wondering if I could get a status update on their conditions." Wanda put on a fake voice as she spoke to the hospital staff.

"Ms. Potts and Mr. Stark have been discharged this afternoon." The nurse replied.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." Wanda hung up, looking at her notes. She would have to find a way to either attack Stark at the Avengers Compound or lure him out, neither of which will be easy.

Wanda tapped the pencil against her chin, thinking her plans over when an idea struck her. She immediately began working on the details, scribbling them down in her notebook. With this plan, she could hit two birds with one stone.

She could kill Tony Stark and see Pietro at the same time.

Who could ask for better time management?

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