paradise lost...

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Pietro and Lorna stared at the spot where their sister and father had just been, shock on their faces. Lorna turned to Pietro with confusion. "How did she do that?"

"She makes the impossible, possible." Pietro sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I thought she was exaggerating." Lorna groaned. 

"Our sister does not exaggerate." Pietro blew a raspberry, patting his pockets for his phone only to come up empty. He turned to Lorna. "How comfortable are you with high speeds?"

She gave him a look. "How fast are we talking?"

"This fast." Pietro scooped her up in his arms and a second later they were at the Avenger's compound, Lorna clinging to Pietro with a petrified look. Pietro chuckled, setting his sister down. "Sorry, didn't have time to hail a taxi and I, unlike my twin, cannot bend time and space to teleport."

"Instead you bend time and space to run at inhuman speeds." Lorna huffed, running her fingers through her hair. Pietro ignored his sister's remark, walking into the compound to look for his team. He found them in the training bay, Lorna coming up behind him. She observed the Avengers for a moment, watching the way they moved with and against each other. "Training here looks so much different than at the mansion..."

Pietro smirked at his sister. "Yeah, well, when most of your team doesn't have powers of course it is going to look different." His face fell when he remembered why they were there. Whistling, Pietro got the attention of the Avengers, most of whom were not thrilled to have their training interrupted. Pietro waved them off before explaining what was happening. "- and my sister Lorna is going to get the X-Men because we are going to need all hands on deck to stop two of the most powerful mutants on the planet."

"I am?" Lorna questioned, clearing her throat when Pietro gave her a look. "I mean, of course I am. I'll send Professor a message now." 

Lorna stepped away to chat with the Professor as Pietro and the rest of the Avengers geared up for their trip to Europe. A few moments later they were on the quinjet and in the air headed towards the coordinates of the Hydra base. 

"I just got a message from the X-Men's jet. They are on route as well." Tony supplied everyone with information, having been given the all clear to go on the mission. He looked to Pietro and Lorna. "I have to ask, what set your sister off? Didn't she just agree to be an Avenger? Why would she throw that away for some petty revenge?"

Pietro felt his blood boil. "It is not petty revenge, Stark. These...monsters kidnapped Wanda when she was five and brainwashed her into becoming an assassin. They stole her life away from her. It is revenge, but it is hardly petty."

The rest of the Avengers were glaring at Tony to not reply, knowing he would say something to make it worse. Tony swallowed. "Right. Well, with the quinjets engines, we should be there in no time. Give or take half an hour."

"I just hope we are not too late." Lorna whispered. "I hope we can stop father and Wanda from putting more red in their ledgers."

"I fear we may be too late for that, sister." Pietro sighed, looking out the window at the ruined Hydra base below as they quinjet flew over it, landing in a field not far away. The Avengers met up with the X-Men outside the Hydra base, forming a plan of action. "They are my family, so please, go easy on them. They are emotionally distraught right now, not in their right minds."

"Like they will go easy on us." Tony scoffed, earning an elbow from Natasha.  "Ow!"

The Avengers and the X-Men made their way through the Hydra base, finding carnage and wreckage everywhere they stepped. Luckily, all the bodies they came across were still breathing, however barely. Hearing a commotion coming from behind a closed door, they went to investigate.

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