please madam...

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I've been titling the chapters with the twin's initials or at least their first initial, of who the chapter is going to focus on.

Pietro made his way through the complex and down to the cells, typing in his passcode. The doors opened and he strode inside, coming face to face with his long lost twin sister. She was sitting in her cell with the inhibitor bands on staring at the wall, a blank expression on her face. "I was beginning to wonder when you would come to see me, brother."

Pietro narrowed his eyes. "How long have you known?"

"My whole life. Hydra never hid the fact that my brother - my twin - was an Avenger. In fact, they flaunted in my face." Wanda stood up, walking towards the front of her cell, closer to Pietro. "They used to dangle it in front of me, all that I could've been had our parents - sorry, adopted parents - not sold me to them to protect you and our town. They knew you were my weak spot, Pietro, and they exploited that fact to the fullest extent."

Pietro was silent for a few moments. "Why?"

"I'm sorry did you miss the part that Django and Marya sold me when I was a child? I didn't exactly have a choice." Wanda snapped. "Its not like I signed up for this. It took years of conditioning before they could send me on my first mission, the one you saw back upstairs."

"You always have a choice. Maybe not back then, but now you do."

"You have no idea what you are talking about, Pietro." Wanda glared. "If I didn't do as they commanded, they would force me to kill you. Or worse- bring you in. My conscious and moral code for your life and freedom? Fair trade to me."

"How would they force you to kill me? Do they have you wired with a kill switch if you don't follow their orders?" Pietro pushed. It was Wanda's turn to go quiet. "Witch? ...Wanda? Please, tell me."

"Ask the Winter Soldier what made him comply." Wanda whispered.

Pietro nodded. His comm went off and he looked to Wanda curiously. "You shot Stark with a special bullet. One that would stop his heart for a few seconds and then revive him. Why? I thought your mission was to kill him?"

"And he died, didn't he? Mission fulfilled." Wanda smirked. "Hydra never said he had to stay dead."

Pietro felt a twinge of worry worm its way into his gut. "Wi-Wanda. That is suicide! Hydra will kill you for disobeying orders."

"Let them try. I am their best assassin, they wouldn't dare eliminate me. I am far too precious." Wanda looked up at Pietro. "They need me."

"What is it Hydra wants?" Pietro questioned. "All these assassinations and murders, what is their game plan?"

"What it has always been. To bring about the new world order." Wanda replied easily. "They had the Winter Soldier take out key players before me and now they have me continuing his work, eliminating those who threaten the world they wish to create."

"And do you believe in this new world order?"

Wanda looked at Pietro incredulously. "No, I do not believe in Hydra's world. Are you crazy?"

"You are working with them."

"Against my will." Wanda grit out. "Have you not been listening to a word I have been saying, brat drahý?"

Pietro winced, looking away. He didn't mean to make her angry and hurt, he just wanted intel. "Did you know we were adopted?"

The fight in Wanda deflated and she sank back against the wall in her cell. "No, I did not. I was just as shocked as you." She looked back up at Pietro curiously. "You looked as if you could kill me when we met in the hospital and now we are talking almost civilly. What changed?"

Pietro sat down as well, looking over at his sister. " are all I have left, Wanda. My whole life just got turned upside down by that briefing. I figured I owed it to you to find out your side of the story."

Wanda nodded, fidgeting with the hem of her SHIELD jacket. "And?"

Pietro breathed deeply, looking down at his hands. "It is a lot to process. I am going to need a DNA sample, to prove that you really are my sister."

Wanda felt a stab of hurt in her heart but she ultimately understood. It was the logical decision. "Okay." She plucked a strand of her hair, handing it to Pietro. "And you know I did not use my powers to alter my DNA. After all, I am wearing a boat load of power dampeners."

"How do your powers work?" Pietro asked, slipping the hair into the sterile plastic baggy he brought with him. "Natasha said they are kind of like magic."

Wanda chuckled. "She is not wrong. I alter probability fields, make the unlikely likely, change reality a bit, if you will. It takes a lot of concentration and focus to come up with specific 'hexes' as I call them, a lot of time. I can't just, on a whim, give someone an aneurysm. I can, however, make things fall over, rust, melt, or combust with little to no focus." Wanda looked at Pietro. "Like when I knocked you and Black Widow unconscious at the hospital. That took almost no concentration. I just hurled an unspecified hex at you."

Pietro nodded, understanding her powers a bit more. "You make the impossible possible."

"Kind of, yes." Wanda smirked.

"Then how come you aren't able to escape Hydra?"

Wanda's smirk fell. "I've explained this to you, Pietro. If I tried, they would go after you. Like you said, you are all I have left, all I've been clinging to for my entire life. You're what has been keeping me sane. You are my tether to reality, even if your own reality didn't include me."

Pietro felt guilt gnawing at him. How could he forget his sister? How did he not recognize her instantly?

He stood up. "Well, Wanda. I need to get this DNA to Bruce. I will be back though. Just...stay put?"

Wanda snorted. "Where would I go? Besides, I'm used to being held in cages."

Pietro winced, walking out of the cellblock and leaving his sister behind, hopefully for the last time.

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